CS-340 Course Overview Dr. Wilkerson
Dr. Wilkerson - Personal Contact info: see course website (https://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs340ta/fall2018/) First semester as a BYU professor Taught at Penn State, Erie for 6 years Michigan, Lansing Mission – 1987 - 1989 Married and have 5 children Son, daughter, and son-in-law at BYU Son on a mission in Lima, Peru, will be at BYU in Fall 2020 1 Nephew and 3 nieces all at BYU Interests: Skiing, BYU football, time with family Just hired my 15-year-old daughter to be my piano teacher
Dr. Wilkerson - Family
Dr. Wilkerson – Work and Education Earned two degrees from BYU in 1994 Worked in industry for 10 years Software Engineer Consultant Business Owner Returned to school for Ph.D. at University of Arizona in 2004 Taught MIS at Penn State, Erie for 6 years Returned to industry for 4 years Senior Development Manager Software Engineering Director
I Love the Mission of BYU “To assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life” That’s why I’m here!
Course Overview Will learn the craft/art of object-oriented design and development Will focus on software design principles and design patterns Will reinforce your learning with a significant group project Will program in Java (even though one of the books is a C# book)
Course Structure Reading Group Project Exams Heavy during first two weeks Group Project Online, multiplayer Ticket to Ride Game Designed using UML and implemented in Java Android or Web front-end 4 – 5 students Teams formed by Monday of the 3rd week Exams One mid-term One final (comprehensive but waited toward later material) Must have a combined average of 70% or higher on the two exams to pass the class
Course Structure (cont.) Lectures Class is two hours (both used for lecture for the first two weeks) Will give some time back later in the semester (for project work) Come to class having read the material for the day (see schedule on website) Other Some in-class exercises and quizzes Extra credit presentations One or two slides emailed to Dr. Wilkerson by the previous class day Slides must contain sources Course Website: https://students.cs.byu.edu/~cs340ta/fall2018/)
Imposter Syndrome
Announcements The west side elevator in TMCB is being replaced See me if you will have trouble using the stairs to get to the basement TA offices between now and October 20th Announcements for my section will be posted on Slack Join the byucompsci org and subscribe to the Wilkerson_cs340 channel This is really for announcements from Dr. Wilkerson (not monitored by TA’s and not intended to be a help channel)