Question #1, p.139 OGrady,2009 Are these words simple or complex? Circle the bound morphemes. a. Fly Simple, no bm b. Desks Complex, -s c. Untie Complex, un- d. Tree Simple, no bm e. Dislike Complex, dis- a. Fly b. Desks c. Untie d. Tree e. Dislike OGrady, 2009
Question #1, p.139 OGrady,2009 Are these words simple or complex? Circle the bound morphemes. e. Dislike Complex, dis- f. Reuse Complex, re- g. Triumphed Complex, -ed h. Delight Simple, no bm i. Justly Complex, -ly e. Dislike f. Reuse g. Triumphed h. Delight i. Justly OGrady, 2009
Question #1, p.91-92, Rowe & Levine a. Tele (b) + phone (f) b. In (b) + firm (f) c. Farm (f) d. Re (b) + form (f) + er (b) + s (b) e. Ranch (f) + er (b) + s (b) a. Telephone b. Infirm c. Farm d. Reformers e. Ranchers Rowe & Levine, 2012 Put a plus (+) sign between morphemes. Label each as bound (b) or free (f)
Question #1, p.91-92, Rowe & Levine f. Act (f) + or (b) g. In (b)+ access (f)+ ibil (b)+i ty (b) h. Duck (f) + ling (b) + s (b) i. Count (f) + ess (b) j. Boyen (b) + berry (f) f. Actor g. Inaccessibility h. Ducklings i. Countess j. Boysenberry Rowe & Levine, 2012 Put a plus (+) sign between morphemes. Label each as bound (b) or free (f)
Lexical Categories
Exercise: Word class a. betterment b. the c. him d. elegant e. inconvenience f. eloquently g. comply h. inasmuch as i. over a. Noun b. Determiner c. Pronoun d. Adjective e. Noun f. Adverb g. Verb h. Conjunction i. Preposition Determine the word class of each of the following words. Is it a content word of a function word?
Compound Words
Question #1, part B, p.92-93, Rowe & Levine a. NOUNNOUN b. ADJNOUN c. NOUNNOUN d. NOUNNOUN e. ADJNOUN f. PREPPREP g. PREPNOUN a. Textbook b. Hot dog c. Beachcomer d. Bunkhouse e. Blacktop f. Into g. Forerunner Rowe & Levine, 2012 Determine the lexical category of these compound word.
Question #1, part B, p.92-93, Rowe & Levine h. VERBPREP i. VERBNOUN j. VERBNOUN k. ADVVERB l. ADJADJ h. Takeover i. Crybaby j. Workman k. Downshift l. Empty-handed Rowe & Levine, 2012 Determine the lexical category of these compound word.
Affixation and Trees
Analyzing Word Structure Underline the root. a. Payment b. Spiteful c. Suite d. Fastest e. Deform f. Disobey Circle the affix. g. Preplan h. Optionality i. Prettier j. Mistreat k. Premature And draw their tree structure.
Analyzing Word Structure Underline the root. a. Payment b. Spiteful c. Suite d. Fastest e. Deform f. Disobey Circle the affix. g. Preplan h. Optionality i. Prettier j. Mistreat k. Premature And draw their tree structure.
Word Structure - Trees Draw the trees. a)b) Reference: OGrady & al. (2009)
Correction of last weeks homework Draw the tres. c) Reference: OGrady & al. (2009)
Bound Morphemes: Inflectional or Derivational?
Describe the italic affixes: 1) im possible 2) terroriz ed 3) terror ize 4) desk s 5) dis like 6) human ity 7) fast est 1) Derivational prefix 2) Inflectional suffix 3) Derivational suffix 4) Inflectional suffix 5) Derivational prefix 6) Derivational suffix 7) Inflectional suffix
Describe the italic affixes: 8) pre mature 9) un tie 10) dark en 11) fall en 12) ox en 13) fast er 14) lectur er 8) Derivational prefix 9) Derivational prefix 10) Derivational suffix 11) Inflectional suffix 12) Inflectional suffix 13) Inflectional suffix 14) Derivational suffix
a. BILL + S (I) b. RUN + ING (I) c. PLAY + ER (D) * d. ACT + ION (D) e. ROUGH + EST (I) f. COME +S (I) g. FRIEND + LY (D) a. Bills b. Running c. Player d. Action e. Roughest f. Comes g. Friendly Rowe & Levine, 2012 Place a plus (+) sign between each morpheme Label each BM as derivational (D) on inflectional (I). Exercise 2, p.94, Rowe & Levine
h. UN (D) + FRIEND + LY (D) i. LONG + ER (I) j. LOVE +ABLE (D) k. JUDGE + MENT (D) l. BANANA m. SLOW + EST (I) n. QUICK + ER (I) h. Unfriendly i. Longer j. Loveable k. Judgment l. Banana m. Slowest n. Quicker Rowe & Levine, 2012 Place a plus (+) sign between each morpheme Label each as derivational (D) on inflectional (I). Exercise 2, p.94, Rowe & Levine
o. UN (D) + HAPPY p. SEMI (D) + CIRCLE q. NOBODY r. AARON + S (I) s. BROKE + EN (D) * t. BROKE + EN (I) * u. HAPPY + LY (D) o. Unhappy p. Semicircle q. Nobody r. Aarons s. Broken (adj) s. Broken (v) t. Happily Rowe & Levine, 2012 Place a plus (+) sign between each morpheme Label each as derivational (D) on inflectional (I). Exercise 2, p.94, Rowe & Levine
New Word Formation Process Name all ten word formation processes seen in class : Derivation Compounding Conversion Clipping Blending Back-formation Acronyms Onomatopoeia Eponyms & Trade names Foreign word borrowing
SUFFIXOCATING !!! Can you find the different affixes in this cartoon? What was the word process used for the word « suffixocating »
Complete the process and Identify the type of word formation: 1. Return on Investment 2. information, entertainment 3. modulator, demodulator 4. love, seat 5. International, police 6. A comb 7. delicatessen 8. Capt. Charles Cunningham Boycott ROI Infotainment Modem Loveseat Interpol To comb Deli Boycott acronym blends blends compounding blends conversion clipping eponym
Homework - Ex 19, p. 144 a) Automation automate b) Humid humidifier c) Information, entertainment infotainment d) Loveseat loveseat e) Progress progress f) Typographical error typo g) Aerobics, marathon aerobathon h) Act deactivate i) Curve, ball curve ball a) Backformation b) Derivation c) Blending d) Compounding e) Conversion f) Clipping g) Blending h) Derivation i) Compounding OGrady, 2009
Homework - Ex 19, p. 144 j) Perambulator pram k) (the) comb comb (your hair) l) Beef, buffalo beefalo m) Random access memory RAM n) Megabyte meg o) Teleprinter, exchanger telex p) Influenza flu q) GST Goods and Services Tax j) Clipping k) Conversion l) Blend m) Acronym n) Clipping o) Blend p) Clipping q) Initialism OGrady, 2009
Lets invent words! Invent words that dont already exist in English, and then define the process that was used to creat this word.
Overall Review
Morphology Invent a word using this root : VACUUM 1. by adding a prefix to this base (make sure that there are no constrains to the combination). 2. And then adding a suffix. 3. Draw the structure (tree) of the two words that you have just created. 4. What are the lexical categories of these words?