Mar. 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Summary of CWPAN (LR-WPAN Group) Actives in Q4/08,Q1/08] Date Submitted: [10th Nov, 2007] Source: [Liang Li, Liu Pei, Bill Zhang] Company [Vinno Technologies Inc., CESI, Hisilicon, ASTRI] Address [Beijing, P.R.China] Voice:[+86 10 82782373], FAX: [+86 82893004], E-Mail:[,,] Abstract: [Summary of CWPAN Activities.] Purpose: [Discussion] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Liang Li (Vinno)
CWPAN Plenary Meeting (Dec 14, 2007) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> Mar. 2008 CWPAN Plenary Meeting (Dec 14, 2007) Review the Standard and R&D works (Low-Rate and High-Rate) on behalf of CWPAN working group in 2007 Discuss the issues on IEEE802.15.4C Atlanta meeting. Set up the working plans for 2008 Liang Li (Vinno) <author>, <company>
Discuss the PHY solution of LR-CWPAN Mar. 2008 Discuss the PHY solution of LR-CWPAN On Dec 14, 2007, most of semiconductor companies in CWPAN discuss the PHY solution at 780MHz in LR-CWPAN std. Important Suggestion are: It is possible to adopt the MPSK and OQPSK as the co-alternative PHY solution at 780Mhz in LR-CWPAN std. Working group should tell WPAN users and chip manufacture clearly. It is their responsibility to support the WPAN with MPSK or OQPSK adaptively Liang Li (Vinno)
The Short Minutes of CWPAN working meeting on Jan 08 Mar. 2008 The Short Minutes of CWPAN working meeting on Jan 08 The main purpose of the meeting was to review the security tech proposal and comments about the present security algorithm and procedure in the Chinese LR-WPAN standard (draft). The major solutions from these discussion are: LR-WPAN Standard does not give any description about the security application on NWK. Any related (NWK) security proposals would be discussed on Wireless Sensor Networks Std task group. AES algorithm is finally suggested as the commercial security algorithm. However, JiaTon company may suggest other algorithms: SHA256 and ECDH algorithm (recommend by National Security Key Management Bureau), for optional security algorithm, being used for the special applications. JiaTon is in charge of discussing this optional algorithm with National Security Key Management Bureau. If getting their permission, Jiatao may give the further proposals to CWPAM conference. Liang Li (Vinno)
CWPAN Plenary Meeting (March 08) Make the conclusion for PHY solution of LR-WPAN std Answer the questions for LR-CWPAN std (D1) Discussion the tech proposals for HR-CWPAN std Liang Li (Vinno)
Summary of PHY Solution of CWPAN on March 08 Meeting The MPSK and OQPSK (modulation and coding) proposals are adopted as the co-alternative PHY solution of “The PHY and MAC layer Specifications of Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks” (Task No: 20070007-T-469) at Chinese 780Mhz operation frequency band (779 – 787 MHz). Here, the Co-Alternative Solution is defined as: Or, the MPSK (modulation + Coding) tech proposal is adopted as the PHY solution of (Chinese) LR-WPAN standard body individually; Or, the OQPSK (modulation + Coding) tech proposal is adopted as the PHY solution of (Chinese) LR-WPAN standard body individually; Or, the MPSK and OQPSK (modulation + Coding) tech proposal are adopted as the PHY solution of (Chinese) LR-WPAN standard body together. Liang Li (Vinno)
Mar. 2008 The Official Letter from CWPAN Chair and Vice-Chair to Mr. Power Clint, Dr. KH Chang and Dr. Bob Heile On March 5, 2008, a formal letter (email) from Dr. DY Wu and Dr. Liang Li. Behalf of CWPAN working group, the following info are shared to IEEE802.15.4C task group The Final PHY Solution: Co-alternative ones Two issues related to IEEE Copy Rights for both of Std Patent Policies Liang Li (Vinno)
Schedule for LR-WPAN (PHY and MAC Spec) std Mar. 2008 Schedule for LR-WPAN (PHY and MAC Spec) std March 2008, D1 was reviewed and all of questions were answered from first letter ballet members May 2008, D2 will be reviewed and all of questions are answered from second letter ballet among the CWPAN members July 2008, draft of LR-WAPN is goring to be reviewed by expertise, and companies. Sept 2008, draft of LR-WPAN makes the last modification. Oct 2008, the draft of LR-WPAN is submitted to approval Expect the LR-WPAN (PHY and MAC spec) std may be done around end of 2008. Liang Li (Vinno)
Some Actives of CWPAN in Q2/08 Mar. 2008 Some Actives of CWPAN in Q2/08 March 31, conference for Wireless Control Application at Industry Apr. 5, Std conference for Wireless Sensor Networks. The next Plenary meeting should be June 2008 Liang Li (Vinno)