LETSI Technical Roadmap WG Tyde Richards LETSI Meeting - Learning 2007 October 21, 2007
LETSI Technical Roadmap WG Charter: define the technical strategies and deliverables for LESTI, including a technical roadmap, and to support the technical aspects of the collaboration with ADL related to LETSI assuming the stewardship of SCORM Open, bi-weekly telecons, wiki area Define, broker resources and coordinate technical projects across LETSI participants Projects areas include Community of practice requirements gathering The future of SCORM (“Core” and “2.0”) Updated process model and annual roadmap to support SCORM evolution
SCORM at the Crossroads Competing Approaches Evolving Standards and Requirements for International Standardization Modern Enterprise SW Architecture Installed Base: Diverse Communities of Practice IP Rights Issues SCORM Changing Market Structure and Vendor Demands New Learning Technologies Costs for SCORM Support, Promotion, and Management
SCORM in Historical Context Phases AICC CMI (1992) ADL SCORM (c. 1999) ADL/LETSI SCORM 2.0 (c. 2009) Dimensions Technical Coverage Adoption Maturity Conformance Governance and Organizational Complexity
Initial LETSI Vision for SCORM SC36 Core SCORM Community of Practice Adaptations 1 – Reference Model Multi-part Type 3 Technical Report For example … AICC SCORM book book book Korea SCORM SIFA SCORM 2 – Profiles Med SCORM DoD SCORM Sequencing 3 - De Jure Standards New, Innovative Specifications
ADL SCORM 2.0 Proposal Core SCORM SCORM 2.0 Core capabilities plus additional capabilities broadly applicable open IP future standardization capabilities based on de jure standards CoP Adaptation CoP Adaptation CoP Adaptation CoP Adaptation
Core SCORM Proposal Working name for a SCORM version that is 100% based on de jure standards Intended to be compatible with ISO/IEC document types and procedures Intended to underpin the SCORM version that ADL transitions to LETSI Intended to provide a stable common denominator for adaptation by diverse communities of practice Study Group initiated in SC36 WG 4
Proposed Core SCORM Structure 1 – Reference Model Multi-part Type 3 Technical Report Defined by LETSI Reviewed/progressed by ISO/IEC book book book 2 – Profile Standards Defined by LETSI Standardized by SC36 3 - Foundation Standards Selected by LETSI ISO/IEC a possible source
What Goes in the Core? At least this Probably this Who knows? 2004 RTE Support CAM Support Relevant de jure Standards IEEE API IEEE Data Model RTE currently in ISO/IEC Fast-track as tech report IEEE LOM Some permutation of ISO/IEC 21000-2:2005 aka MPEG 21.2 IEEE RDCEO IEEE XML binding of DM SC36 Collaborative Workplace SC36 Quality SC36 Access for ALL SC36 MLR
SCORM 2.0 beyond the Core Much discussion anticipated Some possible candidates are: ADL/AICC Content Services Architecture (CSA) ADL/AICC PENS Sequencing “2.0” Shared-state persistence equivalent from other capabilities SCO content model using DITA or other formats
ADL Process for SCORM Development IEEE CEN/ISS
Ideas for a LETSI Process many few adopters many few solutions R&D Innovation COP Spec Generic Spec De Jure Standard For consideration from Industry and Academia Developed by single community of practice i.e. AICC Candidate Core Core Vetted and Approved by LETSI Federates
Thank you For more information about LETSI Visit the LETSI wiki at: http://www.letsi.org (free self registration) Send questions by email to: info@letsi.org