Autobiographical Memory Psychology 3717
Introduction Really here we are talking about episodic memory So, while there will be some references to semantic memory, most of the stuff will be, by definition, episodic That said, we cannot ignore the semantic aspects of autobiographical memory
Problems Unlike say lists of words, autobiographical memory is hard to study All self reports Hard to check on the reliability of the responses The diary approach and the cue word approach may be useful, but have their limitations
Linton (1986) Recorded events Dated them Recalled a sample Forgot about 5 percent per year Wagenaar (1986) used a similar procedure though recorded only one event per day, who, what , when, where
Wagenaar Power function Cues 5 per day Best recall for happy events Still, using yourself as your own subject may not be the best approach
Cue word method Give a list of words Have subject associate the words with autobiographical events Then give cues Reminiscence bump
Reminiscence Bump Why? Memories are happier? Encoding processes are better? Could be due to school and age combining here Big events? Dunno….
Please just listen Pin Inoculation Haystack Sharp Pointy Knitting phonograph
Autobiographical memory as narrative Narrative means you know, like a story… So when you tell a story, recall some event, what do you get right? Surprisingly little! You get the gist But specific stuff, not so good
Unleash the controversy! Repressed memories Freudian idea (booooooooooooo) Of course there is child abuse Most people remember abuse Most will not tell because of embarrassment or threats Implanting false memories is VERY easy
Can we tell the difference? And there is the problem It is very difficult to tell the difference, though some PET studies are promising If you are to convict someone of something, you need evidence Memories are just one form of evidence Our memories are at best reconstructive
Raise you hand if you heard this word earlier Pin Book Chair Ceiling Sharp Pointy Haystack Needle
Flashbulb Memories Seem to be hyper accurate Seem to be super detailed Almost always about shared cultural experiences But they are NOT as accurate as they seem
9/11 Do we all remember where we were? Les Cake at SWGC of MUN decided to test this Had his 2nd year cognition course fill out a questionnaire 37% recall after 3 years
Conclusions about episodic memory Autobiographical memory is usually episodic Such memories tend to be best guesses The guesses are USUALLY good guesses Your memory is reconstructive