Proposed Seelio Contract Revision December 15, 2014 Presented by John A. Barrett, Jr. Interim Provost
Product Overview Web Based Personal Portfolios to Showcase Student Work and Accomplishments Easy to Use A UT dedicated person for Customer Support Student Satisfaction Positive Experience of Honors College and CoCA Appears Superior to Competitors’ Products
Seelio’s Impact on Higher Education Seelio is partnering with the University of Toledo to create the world’s most prepared students through Student Lifecycle Portfolios Colleges Increased Enrollment Brand Engagement Increase Job Placement Students Competency-Based Learning Peer-to-peer Engagement Greater Career Outcomes Faculty Engage Students Track learning outcomes Build community MOSES How do we better bridge the two thoughts together.
How Seelio Helps Enhance Learning Research demonstrates that creating a portfolio Deepens student engagement Increases student achievement Assesses what students have learned Improves technical communication Shows how students develop over time Develops information management skills Creates opportunities to model professionalism Enhances critical thinking Studies show GPA’s rise when a students use portfolios. Seelio lets them be transparent in their work so that they can get needed feedback. The learning tags align them with the goal for each learning outcome. Students capture their work over their college career and show progression. Reflective learning and experiential learning lead are showcased in a way that links them to the professional skills employers are looking for. Tiffany
Faculty Experience on Seelio Holly
Student Experience on Seelio “Jobs in my field aren't really easy to find, but with Seelio I have a one up on other candidates.” “I like that it lets me not be a piece of paper, it shows who I am.” “…It's a great place to showcase everything.” “I'm very satisfied. Seelio is a great resource to use. I recommend it to all students!” “As a student with a lot of video work, it's extremely helpful that I can display all my videos in one place that's completely customized to me; not just a YouTube page.” [Seelio helps] “others see what I accomplished and viewing others success. It's a great experience.” Also mentioned that “Seelio has helped me with job searching and showing off my success.”
Current Contract Entered 11/11/13, not approved by BOT 4 year term, with exit option 90 days prior to 1st anniversary (passed) Covers Honors College and CoCA (under 2000 students) Payments/students covered/price per student 1st yr $74,999 paid/up to 750 students/$100 2nd yr $150,001 due but on hold pending revision)/up to 1750 students/$85.70 3rd yr $205,000/up to 2750 students (but only 2000 in covered colleges)/$102.50 4th yr $255,000/up to 4000 students (but only 2000 in covered colleges)/$127.50 Total Price $655,000 Competitor Pricing Per Student of 5 Other Major Eportfolio Vendors 1 Yr deal $46/$15/NA/$39/$39 3 Yr deal $27/$15/$16/$8/$22 5 Yr deal $16/$15/$16/$8/$19
Reasons for Restructuring Paying too much per student; way out of line with market rates Obtain proper BOT Approval High satisfaction of current users (students and colleges) Based on presentation to the Deans (and some associate deans), interest in most other colleges in using Will be used by Admissions and Marketing as a benefit of attending UT
Proposed New Terms 7 year term (4 beyond current deal) Annual exit option 30 days prior to anniversary Covers all UT students and Faculty Payments/price per student (based on 20,000 students) Average Annual cost of $250,000 (less than final year of current deal)/$12.50 First Yr at $325,000, decreases by $25K/Yr to $175,000 in final year Total Price $1.75M (Current unpaid liability is $580,001 of $655,000) Rationale for pricing structure Provost Office not undertaking major new initiatives during interim; gives permanent, once appointed more budget flexibility Low cost final year positions UT well for extension/renewal negotiations Greatest Seelio support commitment at front end to onload all students Gives funds to Seelio to hire additional support in early years Annual out limits risk if not successful