Why do People Kill?
Most Common Motivations for Killing Revenge Killing Aggression Betrayal Crime of Passion Gang Activity Drug or rival gang associations Political Reasons National Violence Guerilla Warfare International violence Religious Fundamentalism In the name of God
Why do People Kill repeatedly Why do People Kill repeatedly? – mass killers - serial killers - spree killers
Conscience? “Do I care about other people? That’s a tough one. But, yeah, I guess I really do… but I don’t let my feelings get in the way…I mean, I’m as warm and caring as the next guy, but let’s face it, everyone’s trying to screw you… you’ve got to look out for yourself, park your feelings. Say you need something, or someone messes with you… maybe tries to rip you off… you take care of it… do whatever needs to be done… Do I feel bad if I have to hurt someone? Yeah, sometimes. But mostly it’s like…uh…[laughs]…how did you feel last time you squashed a bug?” -a psychopath doing time for kidnapping, rape, and extortion
Serial Killers Ed Gein: He was a famous serial killer and proved to be an inspiration for Thomas Harris for creating the famous character of Hannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs". Ed Gein would skin his victims, exhume corpses and then decorate his home with parts of their bodies and use the skin to make clothes and furniture items. He died on the 26th of July, 1984 in a mental institution.
Serial Killers John Wayne Gacy—businessman who entertained children as “Pogo the Clown.” Murdered 32 young men and buried them in the crawl space beneath his house. Became known as the “Killer Clown.”
Serial Killers Ted Bundy: One of the most notorious serial killers in history, he was responsible for the rape and murder of several women between 1974 and 1978. An educated and charming young man, he either raped and then killed the women or killed and then raped them. His method of killing was either by strangulation or by bludgeoning the women. He was arrested on the 16th of August, 1975, but escaped within 17 hours of his capture. He was subsequently arrested on the 15th of February, 1978. On the 24th of January, 1989, Ted Bundy was sent to the electric chair.
Categories of killers Visionaries Missionaries Hedonists Power/Control
“missionaries” kill under the motive of ridding the world of an unwanted or "dirty" type of person. Not psychotic – just want to change/improve society This unwanted type can be anything - prostitutes, homosexuals, a disliked religion or race. Most famous of these is Jack the Ripper who killed at least 5 prostitutes in London from August - September in 1888 He has never been identified…
“Hedonists” This type of serial killer seeks thrills and derives pleasure from killing sees people as expendable means to this goal
“Hedonists” Sub-types of hedonist killers Lust Killers (kill for sexual gratification) Organized Disorganized Thrill Killers (kill for the thrill of killing) Gain Killers/Comfort – “get something” – often money, a comfortable lifestyle, etc Contract Killers – for hire Black Widows – kill spouse, move on, kill next spouse Lethal Caretakers – nurses who kill Cost Cutters – kill for money
Organized offenders - have an above average intelligence. will plan crimes methodically - victims are usually abducted from one location, taken to another location where they are killed and then the body is disposed of in a third location likes to use ploys to lure their victims play on the sympathy of the victim.
Organized offenders - Specific types of victims may be targeted by the organized offender. (i.e. prostitutes, runaways) - has the need to maintain a high degree of control over the crime scene. - have knowledge of forensic science and will attempt to cover their tracks (i.e. bury bodies (or weigh it down and sink it in water) - will follow the case in the media and take pride in their actions.
Organized offenders Generally, the organized/nonsocial offender is socially adequate tend to have friends, lovers, and family. When captured, the organized offender may be described by people who know them as kind or someone who is unlikely to hurt anyone Serial Killers who may be considered O rganized Organized Offenders would include: Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy
Disorganized offenders - more likely have low intelligence - commit crimes impulsively, primarily when an opportunity arises - Victims will be attacked suddenly and without warning; the offender may leap out and attack - may conduct rituals after the victim is dead (necrophilia, mutilation, and cannibalism are examples)
Disorganized offenders rarely worry about covering their tracks evade capture for a period of time primarily due to the anonymity of the crime (stranger on stranger) is frequently introverted socially inadequate with few friends may have a history of mental problems An example of serial killers who we consider to be disorganized would be: Ottis Toole
“Power or Control” - Main objective of this type of serial killer is to gain or exert power over the victim - many have been abused as a child; and left with feelings of powerlessness and inadequacy as adults many of these offenders will sexually abuse their victims, motivated by dominating the victim not lust - Enjoy terror, suffering, screaming of victims
Jigsaw Activity Hand out graphic organizer Form groups of 6 Each pair in the group will pick a different classification of killer to research and complete the appropriate section of the graphic organizer. Serial Killer: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder http://twistedminds.creativescapism.com/serial-killers-introduction/ Mass Killer: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/19/mass-shooting-psychology-spree-killers_n_2331236.html http://twistedminds.creativescapism.com/serial-killers-introduction/mass-killers/ Spree Killer: http://articles.latimes.com/1995-11-11/news/mn-1955_1_serial-killers http://twistedminds.creativescapism.com/serial-killers-introduction/spree-killers/