Presentation to the Health Portfolio Committee Free State Department of Health Dr V L Litlhakanyane 13 May 2002
VISION A healthy and self reliant Free State Community Introduction VISION A healthy and self reliant Free State Community
INTRODUCTION Cont. MISSION Provide a quality, accessible, and comprehensive Health Care Service to the Free State community, Optimally utilises health care resources to provide a caring and compassionate service, Endevours to empower and develop all personnel and stakeholders to the best of their potential.
INTRODUCTION Cont. CORPORATE GOALS Reduce the burden of HIV/AIDS and TB Effective and efficient manage resources Implement functional DHS Effective marketing of services and communication Develop personnel & stakeholders Provide appropriate infrastructure Accessible and quality services at all levels
Expenditure per Programme
Under (Over) Expenditure 2001/2002 % Programmes Budget 2001/2002 Actual Expenditure 2001/2002 Under (Over) Expenditure 2001/2002 % Health Administration 78,731 90,242 (11,511) 114.62 District Health Services 742,167 777,354 (35,187) 104.74 Regional and Specialised Hospitals 566,794 583,710 (16,916) 102.98 Central Hospital Services 383,244 395,711 (12,467) 103.25 Health Sciences 59,979 63,660 (3.681) 106.14 Health Care Support Services 22,045 28,579 (6,534) 129.64 Health Facilities and Capital Stock 59,970 35,359 24,611 58.96 Supernumerary Staff 78,322 73,798 4,524 94.22 Internal Charges (20,776) (19,770) (1,006) 95.16 Authorised Losses 11,076 Totals 1,970,476 2,039,719 (69,243) 103.51
Expenditure per Standard Item
Per Standard Item Programmes Budget 2001/2002 Actual Expenditure 2001/2002 Under (Over) Expenditure 2001/2002 % Personnel Expenditure 1,241,217 1,270,115 (28,898) 102.33 Administrative Expenditure 58,999 69,308 (10,309) 117.47 Stores & Livestock 297,266 324,380 (27,114) 109.12 Equipment 119,650 137,002 (17,352) 114.50 Land and Buildings 21 6 15 30.50 Professional and Specialised Services 144,825 127,081 17,744 87.75 Transfer Payments 108,497 100,115 8,382 92.28 Miscellaneous 1 11,712 (11,711) Totals 1,970,476 2,039,719 (69,243) 103.51
ACHIEVEMENTS Filling of critical posts Drastic improvement in medicines and consumables availability New and replacement equipment Increased access to services EMS personnel and vehicles Reduction in cataract operation backlog Rehabilitation services improvement
Departmental Receipts Financial Outlook Departmental Receipts
Revenue items R thousand Revenue generated 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Projected Projected Projected 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 Patient fees Other 35,825 8,956 30,531 8,860 40,994 10,128 49,254 17,854 58,476 908 61,090 946 63,827 991 Total 44,781 39,391 51,122 67,108 59,384 62,036 64,818
Budgets An overview
Budgets 2001/2002 2002/2003 ‘000 2003/2004 2004/2005 Final Totals for the Health Vote 1,879,973 2,052,681 2,163,690 2,312,570 - Equitable Share 1,475,549 Baseline Figure 1,428,188 1,482,527 1,539,469 - Own Revenue - 68,015 76,245 85,030 - Conditional grants 404,424 556,478 604,918 688,071
MTEF Graphs Graphs
Conditional Grants
Allocated Budget 2001/2002 ‘000 Actual Expenditure 2002/2003 MTEF 2003/2004 2004/2005 - Totals - Conditional grants 446,260 408,681 556,478 604,918 688,071 - National Tertiary services Grant 249,813 287,424 327,915 373,245 - Professional Training Dev 88,367 88,192 87,763 87,565 Development - PSNP 39,394 30,345 41,758 Hospital Rehabilitation 32,470 28,083 17,000 17,765 18,831 - HIV/AIDS 4,716 3,767 13,953 22,131 30,605 - Provincial Conditional Grant - 35,000 45,000 75,000 - Infrastructure Grant 7,000 3,511 18,000 28,000 29,260 - Infrastructure Grant (Floods) 20,500 3,765 14,210 5,145 - Supplementary Allocation 29,852 29,374 29,242 - Financial Management 4,000 1,030 2,453 2,431 2,565 - Hospital Management Improvement Grant 11,000
EQUITY Interprovincial inequity Review of highly specialised services Intraprovincial inequity New municipal demarcation DHER Formula Review of staff establishments Community service Rural Health
- Public Private Partnerships - HIV/AIDS Other Issues - Public Private Partnerships - HIV/AIDS
CONCLUSION 3,5% Over expenditure in 2001/2 mainly due to equipment and stores and livestock 30,8% more revenue than budgeted in 2001/2 4% increase in budget from 2001/2 to 2002/3 or R13M on expenditure Higher health inflation than CPI and salary increases more than budget increase