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Housekeeping Counts WORKPLACE SAFETY T108-03 ©2008 Bongarde
Housekeeping Keeps you safe
Housekeeping standards: Floors clean Spills cleaned up Traffic areas clear Exits and stairs clearly marked Garbage cans
Unused materials disposed of or stored safely Stored materials stacked, labeled, in proper order Clear and well-lighted Oily rags in approved cans Hazardous materials correctly labeled
Flammable materials away from ignition Machines and tools kept clean, properly maintained Tools cleaned, put away Work stations left clean Equipment and surfaces checked regularly
Chairs and stools correctly placed, in good repair Drawers and cabinet doors kept closed Smoking in designated areas Lunch areas kept clean Washrooms kept clean and dry Procedure in place to report and monitor
These are some of the housekeeping guidelines. Final Word These are some of the housekeeping guidelines. Everyone has to contribute to keep things orderly, clean, in good repair - and safe!