Intensive Financial Management and Planning Support IFMAPS Intensive Financial Management and Planning Support
What is IFMAPS? A free, confidential service assisting Oklahoma farmers and ranchers with financial planning since 1985 Trained financial specialists work with families one-on-one to develop financial statements and evaluate alternative plans
Examples of analyses completed Can we purchase additional land (or machinery and equipment) and make it pay? How can our operation earn enough income to support a second generation? How will the change in government programs affect the farm’s financial outlook? Can we qualify for a Linked Deposit loan?
What do producers gain? Improved understanding of the farm’s financial position and performance Assistance in identifying strategies to improve the farm finances Referrals to other educators and agencies where appropriate
What farmers and ranchers say: “…helps individuals look at their overall program and see what pays and what does not.” “The information received was very important in establishing future plans for my farm operation.” “I think it’s a tool all of us in production need to use. It puts it on paper to see, what a lot of us assume we know. I appreciate what you are doing.”
IFMAPS process Producer initiates contact with IFMAPS Case is assigned to local IFMAPS specialist through Stillwater office IFMAPS specialist contacts producer to discuss information needed Producer gathers and summarizes farm records
IFMAPS process (continued) IFMAPS specialist and producer arrange a mutually convenient time to meet IFMAPS specialist uses computer software to summarize data gathered into enterprise budgets and financial statements
IFMAPS process (continued) IFMAPS specialist reviews the financial statements with the producer Confirms data is correct Discusses financial situation and expected performance Helps develop alternatives to be analyzed, if any IFMAPS specialist generates financial statements for alternative plans and reviews them with the producer
Cost? No cash cost to Oklahoma producers Funding comes primarily from grants from the state legislature through the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, with supplements from USDA
Who are the IFMAPS specialists? Extension area agricultural economics specialists Specially trained part-time Extension employees with business and farm backgrounds (called financial diagnostic specialists or FDSs)
How do you arrange IFMAPS assistance? Several alternatives: Contact the local Extension office or Contact an area Agricultural Economics specialist or Call the IFMAPS office in Stillwater at 1-800-522-3755
What farmers and ranchers say: “It is a very good program. It puts information in order and perspective and makes it easier to understand.” Do something positive for your business today! Call IFMAPS...