Staphylococcus aureus By: Matthew Johnson
How to get this bacteria! You can become infected by this bacteria from skin to skin contact.
Symptoms Symptoms include Abscess Boils Scabs Or furuncles
diseases Staph infections of the skin can turn intoimpetigo (a crusting of the skin) or cellutis (inflammation of the connective tissue under the skin, leading to swelling and redness of the area). In rare cases, a serious complication known as scalded skin syndrome (see below) can develop. In breastfeeding women, Staph can result in mastits (inflammation of the breast) or in abscess of the breast. Staphylococcal breast abscesses can release bacteria into the mother's milk.
How to treat it! Simple antibiotics will clear up the skin in a few days.
Cell information The shape and make up of the Gram-positive cocci helps to distinguish staphylococci from streptococci. Streptococci are slightly oblong cells that usually grow in chains because they divide in one plane only, similar to a bacillus. Without a microscope, the catalase test is important in distinguishing streptococci (catalase-negative) from staphylococci, which are vigorous catalase-producers. The test is performed by adding 3% hydrogen peroxide to a colony on an agar plate or slant. Catalase-positive cultures produce O2 and bubble at once. The test should not be done on blood agar because blood itself contains catalase.