Heredity, Environment & Adaptation Chapter 2 Heredity, Environment & Adaptation Ch.1
Heredity, Environment & Adaptation: My Q’s What is the nature vs. nurture debate about? What is a genetic predisposition? How do environmental influences change as we age? Why are the twin and adoption studies important in the nature vs. nurture debate?
Nature vs. Nurture Psychologists have asked the “nature vs. nurture” question for centuries. Some psychologists claimed that nature, or the influence of our inherited characteristics and DNA, impact our personality, physical growth, and social interactions. Others suggested that nurture, or the influence of our environment, have the largest impact on personality, physical growth, and social interactions.
Nature vs. Nurture Today Today, psychologists believe both nature and nurture impact the development of people and their behaviors. They contend that though our inherited genetic traits (nature) largely determine how we grow up, they also admit that we are constantly shaped by family, friends, culture, and our day-to-day experiences.
How Does Nature Impact Who We Are? DNA is a special molecule that contains the genetic material of any organism, including humans. Genes are the sections of DNA that are passed down from our parents that makes us unique individuals.
Genetic Predispositions It is important to remember that DNA and genetics only create predispositions, or the increased tendency or possibility for an event to occur. For example, if a child inherits a gene that predisposes them to a certain type of cancer, it is just more likely that they will acquire that form of cancer than the average person. They will not get cancer 100% of the time.
Nurture: The Effect of Parents & Family Parents and family members can have a huge impact on a person’s behaviors and skills, especially during childhood. For example, while most abused children do not grow up to become abusive adults, most abusive adults were beaten or traumatized when they were kids. Most family members also have the same tastes in movies and books or political and religious beliefs.
Nurture: The Effect of Friends & Others The older people become, the more they become influenced by the other people in their lives like friends, teachers, and bosses. While parents may instill your love of a certain football team, your friends may sway your fashion choices.
Twin & Adoption Studies Researchers often analyze identical twins since they share 100% of the same genes. They try to determine whether their genetic makeup will cause them to act and behave the same way. Results have often shown that identical twins, regardless of whether they are raised together, act incredibly similar to each other. Researchers who have studied adopted children have found that they share more similarities with their biological parents than their foster parents.
Evolution & Behavior? Many psychologists today believe that evolutionary forces also play a role in our behaviors. They claim that humans have developed tendencies that have helped them survive for generations. These psychologists claim that reactions to spiders, snakes, and fatty foods are reactions that have evolved over centuries to help people survive.