iEARN Forum Interactions Presentation by Farah S. Kamal
iEARN is all about online interactions with Multicultural Diverse community Thoughtful responses to the postings of global peers can generate ongoing dialogue about important project topics, issues and actions.
5 Components to Reacting to an iEARN Forum Post 1 Salutation 2-Comment on the content presented in the posting 3-Contribute reflections, ideas, perspectives 4-Make connections of commonalities and diversities 5-Ask thoughtful questions of inquiry to extend the dialogue
1-Salutation Thank and compliment the author of the posting for contributing to the iEARN project dialogue
2- Comment on the Content Comment on the content presented in the posting – topic(s) addressed, important insights, ideas, reflections, experiences, perspectives, concerns, needs addressed in posting, etc. - and the contributions the posting makes to the project, including how the posting builds understanding of important project topics
3- Connect Make connections of commonalities and diversities between the content of the posting and your own experiences, ideas, insights, perspectives, reflections, etc.
Contribute Contribute reflections, ideas, perspectives on how the posting and the dialogue being generated in the forum leads to actions in the project that make positive differences in local to global communities
5- Question!! Ask thoughtful questions of inquiry to extend the dialogue with the author of the posting and all project participants,
Sample Questions ask questions for further clarification ask for more information, ideas to extend understandings invite continued conversation with acknowledgement of the contribution ongoing dialogue makes to the project purposes ask about positive actions that could be taken with ideas, reflections, experiences, concerns, shared in the posting offer support, collaboration and questions on how support can be provided for issues/actions addressed in the posting
Activity Log into the iEARN Collaboration Centre Visit the teachers lounge or any of the project read and respond to at least 2 postings. Remember to follow the 5 components. Total Time: 25 minutes
Reference Kristi Ronnebohm Franz