Pupil Premium Collaborative Review Friday 29th September 2017
What is it? The aim is for headteacher colleagues to access an open, honest, supportive and constructive Pupil Premium Collaborative Review that will utilise professional dialogue to evaluate current practice and identify areas for development. To review a school’s Pupil Premium Strategy It’s a FREE collaborative process (as long as you are a member of the Swaledale Alliance!)
What will my school get out of it? An opportunity to review/reflect the school’s current position with respect to your Pupil Premium Strategy Professional dialogue alongside supportive colleagues in order to improve/enhance outcomes for pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium grant. An opportunity for schools with pupils from Service families to review their Service Premium Strategy. CPD for staff and governors A clear and concise action plan in order to move the school forward. An opportunity to celebrate progress and good practice with a follow up visit.
What do I need to do? Be committed to a working partnership with 2 other colleagues over the course of 4-6 months. (approximately 5 days) Provide information about your school by agreed timescales (e.g. SEF, SIP, PP Strategy, Data etc.) Engage in purposeful, professional dialogue with colleagues in line with the published code of conduct.
Table Top Discussion Significance of PP work in the current climate Policy and Procedure Toolkit Quality Assurance Chris Keeler Achievement Unlocked + Katharine Bruce Sir John Dunford (Effective Pupil Premium Reviews) Sutton Trust/EEF Toolkit Working Party Experiences so far Signup Any Questions