Depressants A depressant, or central depressant, is a drug that lowers neurotransmission levels, which is to depress or reduce arousal or stimulation, in various areas of the brain. Depressants are also occasionally referred to as "downers" as they lower the level of arousal when taken.
examples Downers Tranquilizers Zyprexa Oxy (I) Devils lettuce
Effects on the body Depressants do the opposite of speeding up most body processes, they slow them down. Depressants are sometimes referred to as sedatives or tranquilizers. They lower blood pressure and slow down brain activity, heart rate and breathing.
Legal and social issues Dependency on the drug “addiction” Self medicate Isolation Sexual problems Criminal charges Family problems Court ordered treatment
Any additional info DRUGS ARE NOT GOOD!!!!! Overdose Over 20,000 people die from depressants
Is this drug addictive
Route of administration (Mouth) generally through drinking liquids and taking pills Injection Snorting Butt chugging