Negotiation Skill (Negotiating Effectively ) Damodar Regmi


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Presentation transcript:

Negotiation Skill (Negotiating Effectively ) Damodar Regmi

Two Party, Two Group, Two Ideas INTEREST

Conflict/ Differences for achievement Two Party, Two Group, Two Ideas Behave Differently

;xdlt Negotiation cGt/lge{/tfsf] clgjfo{tf Trying to break out the status quo for win win situation Give and Take

Conflict/ Differences and Negotiation 2 group different interest Independent effort for self interest protection sitting together utilize joint effort best solution for both

åGb (Conflict) Ps jf PseGbf j9L JolQm jf ;d"xn] csf]{ JolQm jf ;d"xsf] :jfy{ jf nIf k|fKt ug{ glbg' jf cfkm\gf] :jfy{ k"lt{sf nflu k|of; ubf{ csf{nfO{ jfwf cj/f]w ug]{ p2]Zod"ns k|of; g} åGb xf] .

j}rfl/s / j}olQms c;dfgtf b[li6sf]0fdf c;dfgtf oyfl:ytLdf kl/jt{g åGbsf sf/s tTjx? j}rfl/s / j}olQms c;dfgtf b[li6sf]0fdf c;dfgtf oyfl:ytLdf kl/jt{g ;"rgf ,hfgsf/L / ;dGjosf] sdL c;dfj];Ls/0f / lglZrt ju{sf] cflwkTo k|lts"n sfo{ jftfj/0f u'gf;f] ;'g'jfO{ ;+oGqsf] cefj

åGb ;DjGwL cjwf/0ff k/Dk/fut cjwf/0ff åGb v/fj xf] o;n] ljgfz lgDTofp+5, cfpg lbg' x'b}g, tTsfn} bjfpg' k5{ kG5fpg' k5{ !(#)- !($) sf] bzssf] cjwf/0ff cfw'lgs cjwf/0ff of] k|fs[lts s'/f xf],o;nfO{ bjfpg' x'b}g Joj:yfkg ug'{ k5{ , åGb lglZrt / cjZo;+efjL 5 . !($) -!(&) sf] bzssf] cjwf/0ff –Human Relations View/ Approach Contemporary view-The View of interaction

Stephan P. Robbins Level of Performance Level of Conflict

MANAGEMENT= MANAGE MEN T= ;+u7gdf åGb MANAGEMENT= MANAGE MEN T= Organizational Goal/ Organizational Interest Tools Resources Communication Process Motivation Coordination MANAGE Personnel Goal/ Interest

;+u7gdf åGb ;+u7g

Post wise Division Decision Makers Officers Assistant Staffs

Function Wise Division Dept 1 Dept 2 Dept 4 Dept 3

Function Wise Division Organizational Island Interest, Communication, Use of Technology, Working style, Poor coordination Post wise Division Function Wise Division Organizational Island Leads to

Effects of Internal and External Factors Organization Behavior Organizational Culture

;+u7gdf åGbsf ljljw cfofd Joj:yfksLo >f]tsf] Joj:yfkg nfesf] jf+8km+f8 dfgj ;DjGw k|lqmofut k|ljlw

åGb ;dfwfgsf t/Lsfx? Ps Ps ub}{ dfu k"/f ug]{ t/Lsf (Piecemeal Approach) : Ps dfu / ljjflbt ljifo sf] af/]df lgisif{df k'u]kl5 csf]{ dfusf] ljifodf k|j]z ug]{ ;du| ?kdf dfu k"/f ug]{ t/Lsf (Wholistic Approach) : ;j} ljifosf] af/]df 5nkmn u/L lgisif{df k'Ug] 8fnf] k|0ffnL (Basket Approach/ Package Bargaining) : ;j} dfunfO{ ljifout?kdf juL{s/0f u/L k|fyldstfsf] cfwf/df dfu k"/f ub}{ hfg] lht lht k|0ffnL (Win Win Approach) : Win- Win , Win- Lose, Lose- Win / Lose- Lose Approach k|of]udf cfpg] ePtfklg lht lht k|0ffnL (Win Win Approach) a9L k|efjsf/L dflgG5 .

Jfftf{ ,;Demf}tf, ;xdlt b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf j9L kIf jLr cf cfkmgf p2]]Zo jf xLt sf] sf/0fjf6 pTkGg ePsf åGb, ljjfb jf km/s cj:yfx?nfO{ cfk;L ;xdlt tkm{ nUg] p2]]Zon] ul/g] jftf{ tyf ;Demf}tf g} ;Demf}tf jftf{ xf] . Negotiation is a process of building common interest and reducing differences to arrive at an agreement, which is at least minimally acceptable to the parties concerned. -Dennish A. Hawber

b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf j9L kIf jLr cf cfkmgf p2]]Zo jf xLt sf] sf/0fjf6 pTkGg ePsf åGb jf ljjfbx?nfO{ cfk;L ;xdlt tkm{ nUg] p2]]Zon] ul/g] jftf{ tyf ;Demf}tf g} ;Demf}tf jftf{ xf] . Ps jf PseGbf j9L JolQm jf ;d"xn] csf]{ JolQm jf ;d"xsf] :jfy{ jf nIf k|fKt ug{ glbg' jf cfkm\gf] :jfy{ k"lt{sf nflu k|of; ubf{ csf{nfO{ jfwf cj/f]w ug]{ p2]Zod"ns k|of; g} åGb xf] .

jftf{ tyf ;Demf}tfsf] cfjZostf a9\bf] cGt/lge{/tf (Interdependency) Governance Actors sf] pbo National- NGOs, CBOs, Private sectors International-Bilateral Multilateral Organizations, Donors ,INGOs Conflicting Interest dfu ;d"xsf] a9f]Q/L j}slNks / ;xh k|lqmofut jf6f]

What are the four stages of negotiation? The negotiation process can essentially be understood as a four-stage process. The four stages of the negotiation process are preparation, opening, bargaining and closure

Stages and phases of Negotiation  Preparation, Information gathering Relationship building, Information using, Bidding, Compromising Closing the deal Finally implementing the agreement.

;Demf}tf jftf{ sf r/0fx? tof/L (Preparation)r/0f ;"rgf ;+sng ;f}bf(Bargaining) p2]Zox? lgw{f/0f Ideal Objective Realistic objective Bottom line ljkIfsf] ;jn / b'j{n kIfsf] n]vfhf]vf 6f]nL u7g / e"ldsf lgwf{/0f

/0fgLlt tof/ ug]{ r/0f(Developing Strategy) dxTjk"0f{ r/0f Intensity of Issue Opponents Strategy Hidden Agenda Attacking strategy Defensive Strategy

;Demf}tf / jftf{ sf /0fgLltx? /0fgLlt (Strategy/Style) kl/0ffd ;xof]ufTds Collaborating Win Win ;Demf}tfd"ns Compromise Medium Win Win ;DaGwd"ns Accommodating Lose Win lgoGq0fd"ns Competing/Controlling Win Lose klG5g] Avoiding Lose Lose

Strategy of Negotiation 5 Negotiating Styles ofThomas and Kilmann Collaborating A++ B++ WW Competing A+ B- WL Compromising A+ B+ WW Avoiding A- B- LL Accommodating A- B+ LW B

;f}bf ug]{ r/0f (Bargaining) Bargaining Zone   Attack Strategy Settlement Range Min Max Principle Max Min Principle Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA) Positional Bargaining A B A B AB

jftf{ cGTo ug]{ r/0f (Closing) sfof{Gjog ;+oGq ;lxt ;Demf}tfkq tof/ ug]{ sfof{Gjogdf csf]{ kIfnfO{ ljZjf; lbnfpg] ;+ej ljifox? -sfof{Gjog, cg'udg_ df ;femf ;+oGq tof/ ug]{ x:tfIf/ ug]{ c;xdlt ePdf csf]{ jftf{sf] :yfg / ;do lgwf{/0f ;lxt ;f}xfWb{k"0f{ cGTo ug]{

c;n jftf{ ;Demf}tfsf/sf u'0fx? / ;Lk ljifoj:t', k[i7e"dL,;d:ofjf/] kof{Kt 1fg l:ytLsf] ljZn]if0f Ifdtf efiffut bIftf Convincing Capacity (Both opponent and authority) s"6g}lts rft'o{tf Listen, Respect, Propose w}o{tf JbGb,bjfj / stress ;xg] Ifdtf Confidence (Strength capitalise / weakness hide ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtf)  

jftf{ ;Demf}tfnfO{ c;/ kfg]{ tTj Information Approach Pressure Place Hidden Agenda Third Party involvement/ Interest Possible Benefit Time (80/20)

Areas of Negotiation Organization Foreign Aid International, Regional and Bilateral Agreement Different Stakeholders Others

Areas of Negotiation Not just across the table Before, during and after talks Formal as well as informal In everyday life and work

Negotiation Theory Structural analysis Analysis of power differential between sides/ use of soft and hard power Strategic Analysis Procedural analysis: Behavioural analysis: Outcome analysis:

Outcomes in Negotiation B Outcome Win Lose Win-lose Lose-win Lose-lose Win-win

Trust Power Information Time Negotiation Tips

Elements of Negotiation Process Behaviour Substance Style Strategy Tactics

Major Steps of Negotiation Issue Agenda Setting Formtion of Negotiating Team In house Discussion Strategy Formal Talks Informal Talks Agreement

Negotiation Process RADPAC Model Rapport: get to know each other Analysis: know each other’s intentions, interests and positions, and bottom lines   Debate: discussion about perceptions, interests, needs and positions to convince the other side Propose: best possible solution acceptable to both sides based on the interests of either side Agreement: best alternate acceptable to both sides, (formal, informal, oral or written) Close: after both sides having agreed to a solution

Negotiation ethics Respect Listen Propose Evidence

Breaking a negotiation deadlock Informal consultations/ side talks Change the date and venue Change negotiators/ team leaders Change sequence of agenda Use third party role/ mediation

Difference between bilateral and multilateral negotiations Complexity- variety of interests at stake in multilateral negotiations Linguistic and cultural diversity Slow decision-making / difficulty to reach agreement Decisions usually taken by consensus/ “critical mass” required to arrive at decisions Involves coalition building More informal negotiation on the sidelines Presence of large number delegates

Negotiation Skills Knowing negotiations (what, how, barriers, elements, process, styles, principles etc.) Communication skills (articulating, listening, informal communication and messaging, putting your points) Analytical skills/ problem-solving skills Interpersonal skills (understanding people, personal rapport - know the interests , reduce stress) Diplomatic skills (persuasion, winning by influence) Professional skills (subject matter expertise)

Negotiation Skills Problem analyzing and solving skills Team building skills (often held in teams) Skills to understand your weaknesses and strengths and that of your counterpart Cross-cultural skills Skills to leave the negotiation Skills to implement the outcomes Situational negotiation skills

Hidden Agenda and The Shadow Negotiation What is the most important information that is hidden from you at a shop? The Shadow Negotiations (2000)- originally how women could master teh hidden agenda Unspoken attitudes Hidden assumptions Good faith versus bad faith Ask questions/ informal consultations Know their interests Understand non-verbal communication

Common Mistakes Negotiating without a goal/strategy Not listening No best alternate Using emotions/impatience Talking too much Too much indirect communication

Agreement Skills Formal and informal (Gentleman’s Agreement) Art of putting down what is agreed in writing Drafting / Who brings the draft out is important Paragraphing (preamble and operative ) Bracketing / Referring to higher levels Definition of terms Provisions for dispute resolution Interpretation and explanation Mutually binding mechanism for implementation Implementation : schedule and accountability Provisions for ratification, extension, amendment and expiry

Nepal's negotiation problems Neglected aspect in bureaucracy Focus on power, authority, status, position, not expertise and skills Poor negotiating strategy/ Weak straegic guidance to negotiators Mandate deficiency/ little flexibility to negotiators Lack of strong political support/ politicization of administrative issues Inadequate homework, teamwork and preparations

Negotiation problems… Lack of institutional memory/ files/ staff continuity Absence of recorded experience of past negotiations Rarely backed up with required resources Poor coordination among various agencies Weak communication and articulation skills Too much secrecy / or too much media “kich kich” on small details and missing important issues

Negotiation problems… Inadequate specialization Influence of extraneous issues in negotiations National interest / interest of the government (subject to interpretation) Lack of technical expertise/ inadequate specialization Non-implementation of agreed outcomes Inability to adjust during implementation Insufficient dispute solving mechanisms

Nepal's negotiation problems Absence of note taking (e.g. one-to-one meetings) Weak lagnguage/ articulation/ communication and professional skills Weak drafting/legal skills Non-implementation Poor follow up and monitoring

Investing in Negotiation skills Investing in three sets of skills (diplomatic, legal, professional or subject matter expertise) Enhancing communication skills/ better articulation Language skills- Chinese, Arabic, others Cross-cultural negotiation skills Building upon experience- e.g. with India

Improving Negotiation Skills Give best negotiation skills to civil servants; Support with mandate and resources Improve internal consultation Avoid asymmetrical teams on grounds of seniority and expertise Focus on interests, options and mutual gains than on positions and bargaining Stop asking favours, focus on principles Know to walk away if that is in the best interest Implement all agreements reached during negotiations

Common Errors Lack of homework Lack of co ordination/ Information/ Role Allocation 11th hour tendency Strength / weakness dilemma Internal pressure vs opponents pressure (priority) Language Problem (oral- written) Implementation Mechanism Quantity Vs Quality Compliance Problem

Third Party Negotiation 1.Mediator- Acceptable third party for both sides who facilitates or encourages a negotiated solution by using suggestions for alternates 2.Arbitrator- Third party involvement who has the authority to dictate an agreement. 3.Conciliator- A trusted third party who provides communication link between the opponents. 4.Consultant as negotiator -An impartial third party who attempts to facilitate creative problem solving through communication and analysis.  

Negotiation Cycle ljifoj:t' Issue/s kqsf] cfbfg k|bfg Letter of exchange :yfg / ;dosf] lgwf{/0f Place time and venue 5nkmn Discussion with concerned party ;xdltsf ;femf ljifosf] klxrfg Identification of common agreed issues ljdltsf ljifosf] klxrfg Identification of common or single differences pQd ljsNksf]] klxrfg Find out best options sfo{ of]hgf Implementation Plan ljjfb ;dfwfg ;+oGq Dispute settlement Mechanism

Negotiation Cycle d:of}bf lgdf{0f Draft preparation x:tfIf/ Signing cg'df]bgRatification/Acceptance/ Connfirmation sfg"gL / gLltut Joj:yf Legal and policy arrangements k[i7kf]if0f Feedback k'g jftf{ Re negotiation

Types of Negotiation Approach Based Position Bargaining Negotiation (Traditional Approach ) Principle Negotiation (Modern Approach) Result Based Integrative Process (win-win) Distributive Process (Win-lose) (Zero Sum)

Agreement- an arrangement, a promise or a contract made with somebody understanding - an informal agreement Negotiation- Formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement Contract- an official written agreement

BATNA- Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement WATNA- Worst Alternative to Negotiated Agreement  

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s ju{sf] jfl0fHo J}fs s]Gb|Lo sfof{no sf7df08f} b]zsf !) d'Vo zx/x?df #) zfvf sfof{no sd{rf/L ;+Vof %)) Zf]o/ ;/sf/ $) % cGo ^) % lgIf]kstf{ ;+Vof *))) C0fL ;+Vof !))) !)) C0fLx?jf6 C0f c;"n x'g g;ls/x]sf] cfufdL cf j df % d'Vo zx/x?df !) / % u|fdL0f If]qdf Ps Ps j6f zfvf sfof{no :yfkgf ug]{ nIf c;"n x'g g;ls/x]sf] C0f ltg{ j}sjf6 hf/L cjwL e'Qmfg x'g !% lbg jfsL @%% C0f c;"n ug{ ;lsg] k"jf{g"dfg j}ssf]] lgIf]kstf{ cfsif{0f / nufgL cfsif{0f ug]{ of]hgf yk @%%lgIf]k ;+sng / yk @%% nufgL k|jfx x'g] k"jf{g"dfg

Pp6} P]g cGt/ut g] /f a} sf] ;Dk"0f{ lgb]{zg kfng u/L cGo a}+s ;/x cfw'lgs ;'ljwf lbg'kg]{ , k|lt:kwf{nfO{ :jLsfg{' kg]{ afWotf v/fj shf{sf] k|ltzt / ;+lrt gf]S;fg 36fO{ gfkmf xl;n ug{' kg]{ ljutsf] Psflwsf/ ;dfKt ePsf] /0fg}lts ;fem]bf// nufgLstf{ sf] k|j]z u/fO{ bIftf clej[lWb ug]{ / tTkZrft ;/sf/sf] e"ldsf t6:y x'g] lgIf]k dx+uf] b/df ;+sng ul//x]sf] , lgIf]k sd e}/x]sf], lgIf]k j9fpg' kg]{ l:ytL, shf{ lgIf]k cg'kft a9L lz/f]ef/ vr{ (Overhead Expenses) j9L /x]sf]n] o;nfO{ 36fpg' kg]{ ;j} sd{rf/Lsf] bIftf j[lWb u/L k|lt:kwf{sf] jftfj/0fdf j}ssf] ;fv pRr jgfpg kg]{'

Joa:yfkgsf] b[li6sf]0f k|lt:kwf{ a9]sf]n] bIftf j[lWb cfjZos Joa:yfkg cfkm\gf] Ifdtf cg';f/ sd{rf/Lsf] ;]jf ;'ljwf k|lt lrGtgzLn 5 sd{rf/L Ifdtf clej[lWb, j[lQ ljsf; / pTk|]/0ff clej[lWb ug{ ljleGg /0fg}lts / cfsif{s of]hgf k|To]s jif{ NofOPsf] ;+rfns ;ldlt / dGqfnosf] lrQ gj'emfO{ yk ;]jf ;'ljwf j[lWb ug{ g;lsg] jx' o"lgogsf] sf/0fn] j9L bjfj ;xg'k/]sf] sd{rf/Ldf sfdrf]/ k|j[lQ / b08xLgtfsf] k|j[lQ j9]sf]

o"lgogsf] egfO{ Joj:yfkg - ;+rfns ;ldtL_ /fhg}lts lgo'lQm sf] sf/0fn] k]zfut aGg ;ls/x]sf] 5}g Joj:yfkgn] sd{rf/L ;+u ;DalGwt lg0f{o k]zfut cfwf/df ge} /fhg}lts cf:yfsf] cfwf/df ug]{ ub{5 Joj:yfkg pRr :t/sf kbflwsf/Lsf] ;'ljwf / cgfjZos vr{ u5{ t/ cfd sd{rf/Lsf] ;fdfGo ;'ljwfdf vf;} rf;f] lbb}g csf]{ o"lgognfO{ sfvL Rofk]/ xfdLnfO{ k]n]sf] 5 xfd|f] o"lgogsf of]Uo sd{rf/LnfO{ j9'jf, :jb]zL tyf tfnLddf cj;/ glbg] / ckfos ;?jf kb:yfkg ub{5 /fd|f ljefu / zfvfx?df xfd|f] o"lgogsf ;fyLnfO{ cj;/ glbOPsf]

cfd sd{rf/Lsf] egfO{ sd{rf/L o"lgogx? /fhg}lts bnsf] eft[ ;+u7gsf] ?kdf sfo{/t o"lgogx? w]/} eP o"lgogsf kbflwsf/L / ;dy{s n] dfq ;?jf, j9'jf, :jb]zL tyf tfnLddf cj;/ kfP o"lgogx? cfkm\gf] JolQmut obfsbf cfkm\gf] ;d"xsf] :jfy{sf] nflu sfd u5{g / cfkmGtsf] egf{ ,cfkm\g} j9'jfdf tNnLg 5g\ . Joj:yfkg - ;+rfns ;ldtL / pRr kb:y sd{rf/L_ n] /fhg}lts kl/jt{gsf] cfwf/df ;DalGwt o"lgogsf g]tfx?nfO{ xftdf lnP/cfkm\gf] kb / clwsf/ ;'/lIft agfPsf 5g\ Joj:yfkg o"lgogx? ;+u nfrf/ 5g\ o"lgogsf] bjfjdf lg0f{o u5{g, k]zfut lg0f{o ug{ ;Sb}gg\ pRr kb:y clws[tx? cfkm\gf] jf+sL hfuL/ cjlw ;lhnf] ;+u ljtfpg o"lgogx?nfO{ v'zL jgfO{ ;xh cjt/0f dfq ug{ rfxG5g\ . ;+:yfsf] pGglt x'g] bL3{sfnLg lg0f{o ug{ rfxGgg /fd|f / bIf sd{rf/L jflx/ /fd|f] cj;/ kfPdf hfuL/ 5f]8\g] dgl:ytLdf

JbGbsf] cj:yf cflwsfl/s o"lgog k|fKt dt $* % k|ltJbGbL o"lgog k|fKt dt $& % c? @ o"lgog %% gof+ of]hgf / k|lt:kwf{n] sfo{jf]em jl9/x]sf] sfo{jf]em Jojl:yt ul/g'kg]{ dfu lghL If]qsf j}sx?sf] t'ngfdf sd ;]jf ;'ljwf . ;]jf ;'ljwf j[lWb ul/g'kg]{ dfu sfof{nosf] ef}lts cj:yf / IT related equipment df ;'wf/sf] dfu !)-% sf] ;do clw kl5 sfd ubf{ lbg] ul/Psf] eQf df zt k| z j[lWb ul/g'kg]{ dfu Joj:yfkg ;'wf/ sf !) ljifo ;lxt @% ;"qLo dfu Dffu k"/f u/fpg g;s] cfufdL jif{ x'g] lgjf{rgdf jt{dfg cflwsfl/s o"lgog k/flht x'g] l:ytLdf o; x8tfndf ;j} k]zfut ;d"xsf] g}lts ;dy{g ljleGg r/0fsf] j}wflgs lj/f]w jf6 ;d:of ;dfwfg gePsfn] cfhsf] & lbg kl5 k]g 8fpg ug]{ sfo{qmd 3f]if0ff Dffu k|lt Joj:yfkg ;fdfGotof ;sf/fTds t/ gLltut :jLs[ltsf hl6ntf z]o/xf]N8/ / lgIf]kstf{ gsf/fTds ;se/ h;/L ePklg ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{] g;s] cGo ;dfg x}l;otsf j}ssf sd{rf/L x8tfn k|lt pT;flxt gx'g] u/L oyfzL3| Go"gtd dfu k"/f u/L ;d:of ;dfwfg ug{ ;DjlGwt dGqfnosf] lgb]{zg

;d"x ljefhg cfd sd{rf/L Joj:yfkg cflwsfl/s o"lgog k|ltJbGbL o"lgog lgIf]kstf{ cfd sd{rf/L

Negotiation Opening by Mgmt Chief Introduction of mgmt team Introduction of CBA team Negotiation Process Conclude

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