Psalm 64:1-6 ( Tune: O For A Closer Walk with Thee) Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 64A Music: John B. Dykes Arrangement: Chris Reeves
1. Hear Thou my voice O God when I make my com-plaint to Thee From ter-ror of the en – e - my do thou my life keep free.
2. Hide me from se-cret plots of men that e –vil – do -ers be From thong and tu-mult of the men that work in – i – qui - ty.
3. Their tongues they have al-read-y whet to make them sharp as… swords And as their ar-rows they have aimed their sharp and bit-ter… words.
4. That they may at the in- no- cent from am-bush aim their… shot They with-out warn-ing shoot at him, and feel-ing safe fear not.
5. In all their e- vil pur – pos - es they bid them-selves be.. bold They talk of lay - ing hid - den snares and say “Who shall be- hold.”