Irvine Business Complex Housing Community Forum Vision Plan Housing Community Forum March 31, 2014
Regional Context IBC Irvine
IBC Area & Surrounding Communities Former MCAS Tustin/ Tustin Legacy John Wayne Airport Santa Ana UCI Newport Beach
Background- What is the IBC? 4,500 businesses 90,000 employees
Background- What is the IBC? 6,388 dwelling units 14,400 Residents 217,200 s.f. of approved mixed-use retail Main Street Village Camden Park Place
Background- What is the IBC? 1,343,936 sf of Retail 26,541,874 s.f. of Office 11,020,295 s.f. of Industrial/ Warehouse 2,454 Hotel Rooms
History: City Council Action Adopted Vision Statements: Protect the Existing Job Base within the IBC Develop Mixed-use Cores Provide Enhanced Connectivity Create Useable Open Space Develop Safe, Well-designed Neighborhoods
Vision Statements: Protect Existing Job Base Establish IBC Business District Retain Zoning Rights for Existing Commercial & Industrial Uses Land Use Compatibility
Create New ‘Main’ Streets Vision Statements: Develop Mixed Use Districts Create New ‘Main’ Streets
Develop Mixed Use Districts Vision Statements: Develop Mixed Use Districts IBC Urban Neighborhood
Vision Statements: Provide Connectivity: Transportation / Pedestrian / Visual Establish a Well Connected Street Network
Vision Statements: Provide Connectivity: Transportation / Pedestrian / Visual New Streets Improved Pedestrian Connections New Parks Creekwalk
Vision Statements: Provide Connectivity: Transportation / Pedestrian / Visual Enhance Connectivity to Transit Routes
Vision Statements: Create Useable Open Space Important Linkages to Open Space System
A Spectrum of Housing City planned for variety of housing Inclusionary housing requirement Use of Density Bonus Environmental analysis completed for area
Affordable Housing Inclusionary requirement of 15 percent Incomes based on Orange County median income Five percent very low Five percent lower Five percent moderate
2014 Affordable Incomes Household Size Very Low Income (50%) Lower Income (80%) Moderate Income (120%) 1 $33,750 53,950$ $73,250 2 $38,550 $61,650 $83,700 3 $43,350 $69,350 $94,200 4 $48,150 $77,050 $104,650 5 $52,050 $83,250 $113,000
2014 Affordable Rents Affordable Apartments in Irvine Very Low Income Rents (50%) Lower Income Rents (80%) Moderate Income Rents (120%) One Bedroom $871 $1,046 $1,918 Two Bedrooms $981 $1,177 $2,158 Three Bedrooms $1,090 $1,308 $2,398
2014 Affordable Sales Prices Number of Bedrooms Very Low Income (50%) Lower Income (80%) Moderate Income (120%) Two Bedrooms $88,400 $162,700 $298,200 Three Bedrooms $95,600 $177,100 $329,700 Four Bedrooms $106,400 $194,000 $359,700
IBC Vision Plan: Benefits Provides for creation of a vibrant mixed-use community while allowing flexibility for developers in land use planning Provides for programmatic development of area-wide neighborhood infrastructure Reduces overall traffic within IBC vicinity by allowing for wider mix of uses
Irvine Business Complex Vision Plan Housing Community Forum Presented by Mark Asturias, Housing Manager City of Irvine