North England Conference SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH North England Conference JULY 13 FHM
Seventh-day Adventists Rebuilding the Walls: Rebuilding People; Restoring Relationships; Inspiring Excellence. (Ephesians 4:1-13) FHM
Sunday 8th December 2013 Introduction Lecture 5: How to Organise a Sermon Lecture 6: How Sermons are classified
How to Organise a Sermon
Some Reasons for Organisation in the Sermon Organisation facilitates the preacher’s delivery The organised sermon is more pleasing to the hearer; it has more beauty The organised sermon is easier to remember The organised sermon can be more easily understood Finally, organisation increases the effectiveness of the sermon
5 Qualities of Good Sermon Organisation. The sermon structure should have Unity The sermon divisions should have Coherence Another necessary quality of Organisation is Progress The structure of the sermon should have Symmetry Finally, the organisation should have Climax
Break (15 minutes)