Lois Truman, Ph.D. ltruman@ivytech.edu Doing More With Less Lois Truman, Ph.D. ltruman@ivytech.edu
Condensing 16 weeks into 8 weeks! Pair similar topics (2 weeks into 1) from 16-week course to make 8 weeks covering same content. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Top 2 Priorities Student Success Student Retention This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND
6 OBJECTIVES for creating a Course Understand and apply strategies for academic success; Include a variety of learning domains in coursework; Create a manageable and organized course workload; Utilize students’ strengths in the learning process; Meet all course objectives when creating assignments; Design course to maintain constant awareness of student progress.
1. Understand and apply strategies for academic success. Writing style Accurate Rubrics Examples Allow redo to fix errors
2. Include a variety of learning domains in coursework. Various types of assignments Choice of equal-valued projects Assignments align with course objectives
3. Create a manageable and organized course workload. Calculate ½ of total work before Midterm Mix larger and smaller assignments Weekly Discussion Board Attendance Track & notify students when needed Consistent types of grading values for similar types of assignments
4. Learn ways to utilize students’ strengths. Use introductions to know students’ experiences Create opportunities for students to interact with others Encourage students to interface their experience with assignments
5. Meet course objectives by assignments. Assignments match objectives (if giving choices, make sure required work meets every course objective) Quiz and test questions linked directly to course objectives. Syllabus quiz question(s) could ask about course objectives.
6. Design course to easily track progress Group items in Gradebook to easily track student progress Point system allows for easy assessment Use cumulative system to keep students on track
We have 8 short weeks to impact & change lives! The important thing is not so much that every child (student) should be taught, as that every child (student) should be given the wish to learn! --Sir John Lubbock
Teaching the whole student Fostering Socialization & Self Confidence
What is NOT measurable? Relationships! Study Skills! Learning Habits!
Different strokes for different folks!
III. PROJECT ASSIGNMENT LIST (Detailed instructions in Modules/Assignments): Everyone must do the Learning Environment Evaluation (required), and then select any 4 of the 6 projects from this list (you will do all but two of these): -- Infant/Toddler Program Observation -- Health & Safety Evaluation -- 5 DAP Lesson Activities -- Infant Room Design -- Toddler Room Design -- Critique: Professional Articles on Quality Infant/Toddler Care
Sample of 8-week Course Assessments: METHOD(S) OF EVALUATION: Discussion Board Topic (attendance) 20 points each X 8 = 160 points Discussion Board Responses to others (10 pts. X 2) X 8 = 160 points 5 Projects (Lrng Eval. plus 4 others) 85 points each X 5 = 425 points Justification Paper (required) 45 points X 1 = 45 points Syllabus Quiz 50 points X 1 = 50 points 4 Module Reading Quizzes 40 points X 4 = 160 points Total 1000 points GRADING SCALE: 930-1000 points = A 850- 929 points = B 750- 849 points = C 710- 749 points = D 709 points = F (Letter grade is determined by number of points in the Gradebook)
Session 1, March 18-24, 2019 (Objectives met: #3, 5, & 7) TOPIC: Understanding Child Care in the Real World Required Module & Syllabus Reading MO 1 Discussion Board topic Look over project choices and select 4 projects from the list (in addition to Infant/Toddler Learning Environment Evaluation due next week). Make any arrangements you will need for completing various projects (permission to conduct observations, etc.). Begin work on 1st Project (Infant/Toddler Learning Environment Evaluation) Take Syllabus Quiz by end of Week 1. Session 2, March 25-31, 2019 (Objectives met: #3, 4, 5, 8) TOPIC: Understanding Infant/Toddler Goals, Characteristics, Needs and Assumptions Required Module Reading Discussion Board topic for Session 2 Submit 1st Project, making sure all parts are completed including Title Page Complete 1st Reading Quiz (Modules 1 & 2) Session 3, April 1-7, 2019 (Objectives met: #1, 3, 4, 5 & 9) TOPIC: Structuring Time, Space, & Grouping for Quality Infant/Toddler Care MO 3 Discussion Board topic Submit Justification Paper (on I/T Learning Environment Evaluation) Begin work on 2nd Project (from Choice List)
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING! This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Life-long learners receiving degrees! Final GOAL: Life-long learners receiving degrees!