Congress #2 HR & S
Power! Article I of the Constitution grants legislative power to a bicameral Congress
Calendar Term: 2 years Session: 1 year 111th Term of Congress, 2nd Session 112th Term, Session 1 begins in January
Timeline…. Special Session: called by the Pres when Congress is not in session (working) Adjourn: ends a session of Congress
Senate (Upper House) 100 members, 2 per state 6 year terms No term limits (max # of elections) Continuous body: 1/3 elected every 2 years State at large elections: entire state chooses each Senator
Constitutional Requirements 30 years old Citizen for 9 years Live in state
HR (lower house) 435 members, determined by Congress 2 year terms No term limits Elected by a local district
Requirements: 25 years old Citizen for years Live in state
Should members of Congress face term limits?