Understanding Standards Graphic Communication Advanced Higher An overview of course assessment
What this presentation covers what has changed and what is unchanged units and unit assessment aims, rational and content question paper coursework (project)
Question paper sampling regime duration – 2 hours, 30 minutes marks – 90 marks ratio – question paper : coursework, 50%:50%
Question paper brief Area Range of marks Techniques and practices used in technical graphics, and commercial and visual media graphic communications. 21-25 Interpreting and justifying graphic communication in terms of purpose and audience needs. 35-43 The use and impact of graphic communication technology in the creation of technical graphics, and commercial and visual media graphics. 18-23 Graphic communication as it impacts on our environment and society. 9-14 The question paper has 90 marks, which is 50% of the overall marks for the course assessment (180 marks).
Coursework (project) external assessment duration – open conditions – no resource limitations marks – 90 marks
Coursework brief Area Marks available Analysing the graphic brief and research 10 Producing graphic specifications (3 marks for technical graphics; 3 marks for commercial and visual media graphics) 6 Technical graphics preliminary planning (includes project planning and preliminary graphics) 7 Commercial and visual media graphics preliminary planning (includes project planning and preliminary graphics) Graphic solution: technical graphics 25 Graphic solution: commercial and visual media graphics Evaluating the solutions and the process The coursework project has 90 marks, which is 50% of the overall marks for the course assessment (180 marks).
Documentation course specification specimen question paper specimen coursework course support notes
Understanding Standards: Commentary and Evidence no changes for learning and teaching question paper responses coursework responses
Summary of changes no change to content, aims and rationale units removed from course content previously only assessed in the units is now included in the course assessment question paper has increased in duration and marks coursework (project) has reduced marks and includes both Technical Graphics and Commercial and Visual Media Graphics work coursework (project) is externally assessed published understanding standards materials remain valid
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