2ND GHANA NATIONAL OMMUNICATION preparation GHG INVENTORIES ON ENERGY presentation by Joe Essandoh-Yeddu Ghana Energy Commission
Energy consumption overview – 2000-4 Total 6.0 million TOE in 2000 6.4 million TOE in 2004 Oil products: 26-28 % Electricity: 8 - 10 % Woodfuels: 62 - 65 % Solar < 1 % Sectoral share Residential 49 – 50 % Comm/Services 3 – 4 % Transport 21 – 22 % Agric & Fisheries – 1.5% Industry 21 – 24 %
Energy supply overview 2000 Total primary supply 8.1 million TOE Biomass – 69.4% Oil & products–23.0% Hydro – 7.3% Electricity – 0.2% Solar – 0.1 % Total Final/secondary supply 6.0 million TOE Woodfuels – 62% Oil products – 27.8% Electricity – 10% Solar - 0.2%
Total Emissions Energy Sector – 2000 CO2 Tonnes Nitrous oxide Tonnes NOx NMVOC Woodfuels 528 5,678 uncertain Petroleum 4,392,477 ~330 29,529 8,066 Electricity 443,320 1,230 Total 4,835,797 858 36,437 Excluded aviation and bunkering
Lessons and experiences (Ghana’s Technology needs assessment) Team work Good leadership National communication preparation 1st Report Individual lead experts , now most of them not available 2nd Report Institutional lead experts Effective follow-up mechanism Industry, Buildings, Energy Supply, Transport, Solid wastes, Land use
Challenges Availability of data Funding THANK YOU Review of existing national statistics and re-organising some sectoral data sets Financing these new data initiatives. Funding THANK YOU