Alcohol is a psychoactive drug -- Classified as Depressant Causes changes in brain chemistry Alters Consciousness (Intoxication) Slurred Speech Unsteady Movement Inability To React Quickly What is Alcohol?
The Types and Street Names of Alcohol Beer Wine Whiskey Vodka Rum Sake Absinthe Street Names Moonshine Hard stuff Liquid Courage Juice Hootch Vino Draft The Types and Street Names of Alcohol Alcohol proof is a measurement of how much alcohol is found in an alcoholic beverage. The illegal selling of alcohol, otherwise known as bootlegging, still remains a widespread issue today.
Effect of Alcohol on the Body Lowered inhibitions, leading to poor social judgment Skin flushing Trouble concentrating Loss of coordination Slower brain activity Dulled perception, especially vision and hearing Sleepiness Mood swings Dilated pupils Reduced core body temperature Raised blood pressure and heart rate Stumbling Passing out Vomiting Shallow, irregular, or slow breathing Effect of Alcohol on the Body
Legal and Social Issues Surrounding Alcohol Legal Issues The legal drinking age is 21 to decrease less drinking after age 21 Sobriety checkpoints Breathalyzer tests to measure the amount of alcohol consumed 0.08% is the legal limit of alcohol in all states A DUI can be issued if you overpass the legal amount of alcohol that can be consumed Social Issues Alcohol reduces social inhibitions & may lead to high risk sexual activity Violence is a major problem associated with alcohol (I.E. robbery, assault, rape, domestic violence, & homicide) Alcohol increases injuries (i.E. automobile crashes, falls, fires) Alcohol is also been known to be a cause for suicides & depression
Examples of Legal issues associated with Alcohol Jail time Loss of employment Loss Financial Aid for School Court-ordered alcoholism treatment Examples of Legal issues associated with Alcohol
Additional Information (Don’t try at home) Eyeballing: pouring vodka into the eyeball Snorting Alcohol: snorted through a straw, is believed to make you drink faster Buttchugging: self explanatory Tampons soaked in alcohol: can lead to alcohol poisoning and hospitalization
Is Alcohol Addictive? Yes! Alcohol is an addictive drug! -10% of americans are addicted to alcohol (thats 18 million Americans) -It is the most used substance in America -It can mess with your physical vs Psychological part of your body -Can cause withdrawal Consultants are available 24/7 at 1-800- RECOVERY. “What Makes Alcohol Addictive | Why Is Alcohol Addictive.” RCA, 10 Dec. 2018,
Alcohol is ingested and then it is absorbed into the bloodstream Route Of Administration
Two Examples of a Alcohol Alcohol is a depressant drug Alcohol slows the nervous system down
Reasons why people drink: Stress Relief Peer pressure: which still exists in adulthood People have misconceptions about health benefits FUN
Consequences of Alcohol Loss of memory Blacking out Trouble forming new memories