ART HIGH SCHOOL - PHOTOGRAPHY Format Rule of Thirds Concept Vocabulary: aperture Camera Composition Depth of field F-number Focal plane F-stop Latent image Leds Lens Lens cap Light meter Light rays Pinhole camera Portrait Rangefinder camera Shutter Silver halide crystals SLR camera Split image Subject TLR camera Transmitted light TTL metering View camera Viewfinder camera Camera Angle Composition and Subject Placement Types of Lighting (Direct/Diffused) Laws of Optics Primary Visual Elements Lighting Photography Metering Effects Technical Developments of Medium Exposure Lenses History of Photography Aperture Cameras Equipment Depth of Field Shutter Essential Understandings/Learning Goals: Students will be able to describe early photographic processes. Students will be able to name inventors/inventions leading to present technological developments in photography. Students will be able to trace the development of cameras from the 1500’s to the present. Students will be able to list the basic parts of a camera and explain their function. Students will be able to name types of cameras and explain the main differences among them. Students will demonstrate the operation of a single lens reflex (SLR) camera. Students will be able to list and explain the primary visual elements and principles of design. Students will recognize and apply understanding of concepts in composition including camera angle, lighting and subject placement.