Sub-Regional Workshop on International Merchandise Trade Statistics Compilation and Export and Import Unit Value Indices 21 – 25 November 2016. Guam Reef & Olive Spa Resort, Tamuning, Guam WAY FORWARD Presentation by Nilima Lal and Rens Hendriks Economic Statistician, Pacific Community Email:
SPCs commitment to improving the compilation of IMTS in the Pacific Guided by the TYPSS framework SPC is committed to assisting PICTs improve the compilation, analysis and dissemination of IMTS. It aims to do this by assisting member countries: Make greater use of common tools for statistical collections i.e. HS 2017 beginning 2017 Data compiled using the Pacific Release Tables Data disseminated through standard public release Improve the quality of IMTS Improve the frequency of the compilation Also guided by the TYPSS framework SPC is assisting PICTs construct the trade price indices.
Manner in which SPC assists countries 1. Technical Assistance Technical Assistance missions conducted is aimed to build capacity to sustain and strengthen compilation of IMTS through the use of latest appropriate best practice. 2. Workshop Workshops bring together the different key players of merchandise trade to address areas of mutual interest and/or concerns with respect to user needs, challenges faced by countries in compiling IMTS, best practice to be used for the compilation of IMTS and possibilities that could be pursued in order to be able to produce more reliable and timely trade statistics needed by the various users. Attachments The objective of the attachment is to being the compiler to SPC and for IMTS this is done for the completion of the final tables and report writing. Development of manuals Yet to come: compilation guide: a how-to document.
What can the countries do A lot of investment in knowledge and skill upgrade has/is taking place so therefore visible outputs are needed. Immediate need – Customs and NSOs strengthen their working relationship Customs need to address data capture and adoption of latest HS standards NSOs need to adopt best practice with respect to the compilation of IMTS and work closely with SPC and other development partners.
Recommendation for PICTs Complete the Pacific Release tables