What’s that twinkling in the sky? Reception Term 4 project map Personal, Social and Emotional We are trying to take responsibility for our learning and solve problems ourselves. This will include finding resources to help us or asking for help if we need it. We will be thinking about empathy and understanding how others feel. Maths We’ll record our subtraction number sentences. We will revisit teen numbers and understand their relationship with numbers below 10. We’ll use our skills to solve word problems. Physical We’ll be playing ball games in P.E and learning skills like throwing and catching. We will listen to music and move with rhythm. We’ll be cutting different materials and sitting down all together to practise our handwriting in our books. What’s that twinkling in the sky? Reception Term 4 project map Understanding the World We’ll will learn what’s beyond planet Earth and tell you some facts about Space. We’ll talk about the moon landing and think about what it would be like to live in Space. We’ll watch some videos from Tim Peake and write him a postcard. Communication & Language We’ll be discussing and figuring out all of the things we’ve learnt about Space. We’ll learn how to ask a question and ask some interesting ones. We’ll talk about our trip and we’ll speak with confidence. We’ll use ‘because’ to say how we feel. Expressive Art and Design We’ll be role playing in our rocket. We’ll be playing with moon sand and foam, with our small space figures. We will design aliens with 10 heads and 7 arms and use our descriptive language to talk about them. We’ll listen to different music and say how it makes us feel. We’ll use musical instruments to tap a steady beat. Literacy We’ll be finishing off phase 3 and recapping all of those tricky digraphs and trigraphs we’ve learnt. We’ll be learning about fiction and non fiction texts. We’ll write letters and postcards to our friends back on planet Earth. We’ll focus on finger spaces and full stops.