Family Support Dr Carmel Devaney June, 2016
Comment on… Family Support in Irish context FS & families where substance misuse is an issue 2
FS & Substance misuse Traditionally main aim of practice interventions was to treat substance misuser, effects on family were not considered (Copella et al. 2005; Robertson and Haight, 2012) Families were seen as partially responsible for misuse & the problems associated with it (Robertson and Haight, 2012) Increasingly recognised; - that all family members are impacted by substance misuse & need to be supported - Wider context needs to be included in any response (Copella et al. 2005) 3
Family Support in Ireland Formal Family Support is an approach to working with children, young people, parents and families which is based on a style of work which emphasises prevention, early intervention and a focus on the strengths of family members. It aims to reinforce positive informal social networks and build on individual resilience. 4
Family Support in Ireland The essence of Family Support is captured in its delivery. Family Support can be provided by a range of practitioners working with families with varying levels of need in an effort to respond to their need in a timely and considered manner (Pinkerton et al., 2004; Devaney, 2011; Devaney and Dolan, 2014). 5
Family Support Early intervention Promotion and Targeted to across a range of levels and needs Promotion and Protection Targeted to the hard to reach vulnerable / at risk Family Support Integrated programmes A range of activities Reinforces positive informal Social Networks Style of work based on operational & practice principles DCYA, 2004
Key Principles of FS Strengths-based Informal supports Partnership Needs led Strengths-based Informal supports Accessible & flexible Evidence based 7
A theoretical base for Family Support Underpinned by an amalgam of a number of theories – social support (informal & formal), social ecology, attachment, social capital, & resilience (children, young people, parents, families, communities) Also informed by a social justice & human rights perspective 8
FS and substance misuse…. The value and importance of resilience, social support (often informal), and social ecology are highlighted in research on interventions with family members where substance misuse is an issue (Choi and Ryan, 2007, Orford et al., 2010a; Robertson and Haight, 2012) Complimentary approaches 9
FS and substance misuse Family Support interventions are now included in drug and alcohol policies, with a focus on the support needs of the wider family (Adfam, 2010) However in practice there are few supports/ practice interventions which specifically address the issue of misuse and its impact on wider family ((Robertson and Haight, 2012) 10
Wider context… for FS in Ireland Welcome the work of the WRDATF & the development of the FS Strategy DCYA, Policy Statement on Parenting and Family Support (2015) Tusla - Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS), 2015 – 2018 11
Thank you 12