People Places and Partnership Partnering with Work Programme Providers The Olympic Host Boroughs
Structured Conversations Our Vision for the Work Programme in the Host Boroughs has always been to embed it in away that maximises its contribution to our aims Create the opportunity to talk DWP Prime Contactor Group Get to know people but not to rush the process Allowed 6 months of operating time Make it a Meaningful Relationship Move the conversation to actions Look for areas of partnership activity on which you can build Consider your capacity and pick off things you know you can give time to
Identify Key Themes Build a relationship and identify key themes Our themes are; Employer Relationships Data Sharing and Communication Innovation and Projects
Progress So Far It far to say that so far its been “swings and roundabouts” experience Interesting conversations and different perspectives Constructive challenges Building relationships between Prime Contractors and FE Colleges Shared frustrations DWP data sharing policy
Next Steps Agree an action plan for 2012/12 Questions ?