MODULE 3 PRESENTATION Supporting students with complex needs
Why this module? »Some students require extra support at school for their physical and personal care and communication »Teachers aides are a valuable resource in providing this »Supporting students with complex needs requires: –empathy and respect for students preferences and dignity –access to appropriate training and support for meeting students needs. 2MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Being a role model »Some students needs extra support »How you interact and include students with complex needs influences other people/students and how they treat their peers. 3MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Respecting privacy and dignity »Some students need help with eating, lifting, positioning, toileting, medicines and moving around »Physical and personal care needs to: –be unobtrusive –respect privacy and dignity –empower the student. 4MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Respecting privacy and dignity »Talk to the student about how to care for them »Talk to family/whānau about how to care for their child »Ask yourself how you would like to be treated if it were you. MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs5
Seek the students views »Have I allowed the student to tell me what they want? »Have I asked the student what they prefer with physical transitions? »Do I speak to the student in the same way as other students? »Do I know what class or subject the student doesnt want to miss so I can work around this? 6MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Developing a care plan »For students requiring a high level of physical care »A specialist may help develop the care plan »A specialist may show you how to aid the student »The care plan is available to those who work with the student, while respecting the students privacy »See: Health Conditions in Education Settings (Ministry of Education publication). 7MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Supporting a student with high communication needs »A specialist may show you how to work with assistive technology »Teachers aides can show others how to work with assistive technology »Teachers and teachers aides model respectful ways of communicating. 8MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork »Effective teamwork is important when supporting students with complex needs »When everyone participates, the student benefits »Team members have different skills and knowledge. 9MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
Keeping yourself safe »Ensure you have access to appropriate training »Be aware of school policies and procedures »See: Collaboration for Success: Individual Education Plans (Ministry of Education publication). 10MODULE 3: Supporting students with complex needs
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