SksMinus simulation program


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Presentation transcript:

SksMinus simulation program

Program reconstruction Modification of SksMinus Geant4 program Included configuration file Reaction selection Simulated condition (Material, physics process) Geometry (SksMinus+HBJ, HBJ only) Other condition (Beam momentum, target length, g-ray energy) The same DC geometry used by SKS analysis program

Programs Conf. programs SKS magnet Etc Main programs (DC, Tof, SMF….) (DC, Tof, SMF….) Conf. programs SKS magnet Etc RootHelper.hh + Conf files Param files (Mag. Field, DC geom)

Programs Conf. programs SKS magnet Etc Main programs (DC, Tof, SMF….) (DC, Tof, SMF….) Conf. programs SKS magnet Etc RootHelper.hh + Conf files Param files (Mag. Field, DC geom)

How to use Command Data files are used for tracking analyzer. [./bin/simSksMinus <mac file> <conf file> <root file> <data file>] Data files are used for tracking analyzer. Converter (randomize) → Analyzer (Momentum resolution, missing mass)

Conf file DC geometry file, Magnetic filed map file Geometry selection. Ex. SksMinus+HBJ… Target material selection SksMinus detector materials selection HBJ detector materials selection Physics process selection Stepping action: Stop all particles on SKS magnet, w/o neutrino,

Beam momentum Reaction selection 10~: Beam (beam through, unifrom) 20~: (K, p) reaction (only kinematics) 30~: Beam decay Reaction selection for HBJ SOURCE: Point source or Uniform inside of the target

To do SDC3,4, STOF position Position and size around the target To check detector size, in particular STOF y length Momentum resolution Position and size around the target SDC1&2 size: SDC2(exist), SDC1(assumed SDC2 design) SP0: Range counter SAC: Optimistic size