All writing falls into a category or genre. We will use 5 main genres and subgenres.
5 Main Genres 1. Fiction: imaginative or made up writing 2. Drama: a play or script 3. Nonfiction: writing that is true 4. Folklore: stories once passed down orally 5. Poetry: writing concerned with the beauty of language
Fiction Subgenres Realistic Fiction: has no elements of fantasy; could be true, but isn’t.
Fiction Subgenres Historical Fiction: set in the past and based on real people and/or events
Fiction Subgenres Science Fiction: has aliens, robots, futuristic technology and/or space ships
Fiction Subgenres Fantasy: has monsters, magic, or characters with superpowers
Fiction Subgenres Mystery: fiction dealing with the solution of a crime or the unraveling of secrets
Fiction Subgenres Dystopian: A futuristic, imaginary universe with controlling government.
Drama Subgenres Comedy: Script meant to be performed with happy ending. Tragedy: Script meant to be performed that ends in death and sadness.
Nonfiction Subgenres Informational Writing:explains something. Ex: -instructions with how to cook something -instructions with your beats
Nonfiction Subgenres Persuasive Writing: tries to influence the reader.
Nonfiction Subgenres Biography: Writing about someone else’s life.
Nonfiction Subgenres Autobiography: Written by oneself. The story of the author’s life to date. Usually in chronological order.
Autobiography Examples
Nonfiction Subgenres Memoir: Written by oneself. Written only about a portion of life, not entire life.
Folklore Subgenres Fairytale: has magic and/or talking animals . Often starts with "Once upon a time…" Like fantasy but much older
Folklore Subgenres Legend Based on a real person or place Exaggerated in a serious way
Folklore Subgenres Tall Tale Set in the Wild West, the American frontier Main characters skills/size/strength is greatly exaggerated Exaggeration is humorous
Folklore Subgenres Myth: has gods/goddesses and usually accounts for the creation of something
Folklore Subgenres Fables also have talking animals, but fables are VERY short. They convey a moral or lesson.
Poetry Poetry: Writing concerned with the beauty of language, expression of feelings, and rhythm.