introduction to computers
What is a computer? A piece of equipment that can be programmed (instructed) to perform a certain functions. It processes data quickly and accurately. Able to process, store, input and output data or information.
What does a computer look like?
Characteristics of a computer An automatic machine. Processes data quickly and accurately. It has no feelings or emotions like human beings. It can recall any stored information when needed. It cannot think on its own, but follows instructions. It has a storage capacity for storing data and instruction.
Types of Computers Special-purpose computers General-purpose computers
Special-purpose computers Designed to do a specific job Usually expensive E.g. ATM, computers in aircrafts, MRT trains, traffic light system and etc.
General-purpose computers Designed to do many kinds of jobs for e.g. Surfing the web, Word processing and etc. Usually cheaper E.g. Personal computers, notebooks
Task of a general-purpose computer Performs calculations Send e-mail messages Write documents Draw graphics Surf the net
What is a program? A set of instructions for the processor to complete a job Created by programmers All programs are software
Types of software Two types: 1. System software 2. Application software
System Software The Operating System (OS) and utilities that enable the computer to function Examples: OS – Windows XP Utilities – McAfee Antivirus
Application Software Programs that users use to do work. Examples: Word Processors – Microsoft Word Spreadsheets – Microsoft Excel Database Management Systems – Microsoft Access