Digital communication
Communication The way we interact with each other Reading Writing Oral communication Body language
Digital communication Digital communication is about the use of our reading, writing and oral skills while using digital communication devices.
Digital communication Internet Email Instant msges Mobiles Laptops , pcs , notebook Skype/fb
Dos and don'ts of using mobile phones Do not speak with food in your mouth … Do not answer if you are feeling a tad angry … Do not answer the phone while drinking and eating! Do not ummmm or errrrrr …. Do not shout – You don’t want to make feel threaten.Especially if it is a first initial contact! If you are already on a call, please do not answer another! Speak with confidens Answer with smile Sit up if u r sitting down If you are not sure about something, then don’t guess Aways follow up … If you need to call someone back, then don’t forget!
Dos and don'ts of writing professional e-mails Use standard formats and standard fonts for professional e-mails. Keep your e-mail id simple and straight Always use a professional e-mail signature Run a grammar and spell check Do not try to be extra creative, clever or confusing No emotions or emoticons in e-mails Don’t use humor in writing professional e-mail
Do's and don'ts of Email writing Always double-check your list of recipients. Don't send attachments (e.g., Word, Excel files) unless the recipient wants it and expects it. Don't give your user ID or password to another person. Don't make changes to someone else's message and pass it on without making it clear where you have made the changes.
Don't pretend you are someone else when sending mail, e. g Don't pretend you are someone else when sending mail, e.g. by using someone else's account to send it. Restrict yourself to one subject per message so recipients can use the "subject" field to manage the messages they have received Never deliver a negative message by email
Be more polite than when you speak You’re judged by your grammar and spelling When you’re out of the office, set up an automatic response that lets people know you aren’t responding to your email
Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms Instant Messaging (IM) Do's Communicate only with people on your Contact List. Use a screen name that doesn't give away any sensitive information. Control your children's access to IM.
Don't's Do not provide sensitive information Do not agree to meet an unfamiliar person you came into contact with on IM.
Cont…. 3. Do not download or accept files from people you don't know. 4. Do not send your screen name online. People might find it and use it to send you unsolicited Instant Messages. 5. Do not send private Instant Messages at work, your boss may be entitled to view them.
Do's Check the terms, conditions and privacy statements of the chat site before you begin chatting. Use a chat nickname that doesn't give away any sensitive information.
Don't's Do not give out personal information in a chat room. Do not agree to meet in person someone you've talked to in a Chat Room.
The Dos and Don'ts of "Skype Etiquette" Send an Introduction Prior. Send a Note Before Video Calling Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Cont…… Check that your equipment is working Dress smart-casually Smile and focus on your posture Don’t use bad language during video call
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