Work Alliance in the context of preventive movement programs for people with severe mental illness. Olivier Glas
Introduction The goals for today
A little role-play in pairs: Exercise: A little role-play in pairs: Person A doesn’t like to do some movement. Person B has to motivate this person. How do you do this? (counter)transference?
Working alliance A working alliance is: what is needed to cooperate in a way that personal goals in (the health-domain) can be achieved. Three elements: The affective component Agreement about the goal Agreement about the way to achieve this goal
What I want to learn….. What do you learn in your education about working alliance or therapeutical relationship?
The affective component of the work alliance.
Agreement about the goal WHAT Talk to your neighbour about a goal you want to reach and experience what changes in your body.
Agreement about the approach HOW What kind of movement? Sport, dance, other How often? How to stay motivated (in an intrinsic way)
Rationale The importance of explaining Important, but not the only thing that is to be done, referring to Confucius
What are your believes as it comes to motivate people to do good, but also very hard things?
Respect the clients autonomy What is important? Don’t try to convince! Respect the clients autonomy Be sure the client is not going to do this for you.
A little role-play in pairs: Exercise: A little role-play in pairs: Person A doesn’t like to do some movement. Person B has to motivate this person. How do you do this? Did you do anything different than the first time?
My research Inhabitants of a so called protected living institution. Severe Mental Illnes Control-condition: Preventive movement intervention in combination with a rationale about physical and mental health. Experimental condition: Preventive movementintervention in combination with a motivating technique (mental contrasting) and accompaniment focused on “work alliance”.
Actigraph (physical activity related tot time) Measurements Actigraph (physical activity related tot time) 6 minutes walkingtest (fitness) RAND-36 (general health) IPAQ (physical activity self report) Interview: (evaluation of the intervention and accompanimentstyle)
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