ACTION ITEMS (03/20/09) Overall Schedule: timeline for pGAPS, including dates for decision-making, needed Design reviews (e.g. PDR in Fall 2009). pGAPS technical sub-system chart and division (CH). More collaborators in Japan (HF). Define interfaces between sub-systems. Main goals for pGAPS : Demonstrate Si(Li) detectors Demonstrate Si(Li) cooling Measure incoherent (and possibly coherent) background. Verify background model. Si(Li) Detectors Characterize Semikon detectors in all ways for pGAPS. Learn how to build detectors in house and determine packaging. Explore collaboration with DTU with goal of MOU by spring 2011. Connection between detectors and electronics needs specification. Si(Li) Electronics & Readout Define requirements for electronics (high-energy readout, trigger conditions, pedestals Adapt NCT system to pGAPS.
TOF/Trigger Define goals for TOF system for pGAPS. Define triggers for pGAPS and determine particle and trigger rates. Define segmentation/geometry for TOF system for pGAPS. HV and amplifier at PMT ? Gondola Explore using an existing Gondola for pGAPS. Define interfaces with other systems (TOF, Si(Li) detectors, etc.). Specify housekeeping, flight computer. Which components supplied by CU and which by ISAS. Weight and power options? Design pointing and aspect requirements (need to point at Sun for thermal). Simulations Background studies to get readout rate/thresholds. Start pGAPS simulations (or estimates). Activation estimates, followed by input to main detector simulation. Define the event requirements (# X-rays, pion/proton tracks) and determine sensitivity of bGAPS.