What can you infer from the source about the Battle of Hastings? Year 7 Revision How did William control England? Why did William win the Battle of Hastings? Describe two examples of how William controlled England following the Battle of Hastings. Women Leaders Describe the activities of the Suffragettes. Describe the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Describe why Joan of Arc has been seen as a heroine. KEY WORDS Cavalry Feudal System Domesday Book Rebellions Democracy Barons Roundheads Cavaliers Cromwell Suffragettes Deeds Not Words Slavery Segregation Martin Luther King How were Black Americans segregated within America following emancipation? Who were the key figures involved in the Civil Rights Campaign? The Magna Carta Why was King John unpopular? Why was the Magna Carta so significant? What can you infer from the source about the Battle of Hastings? The English Civil War What were the causes of the English Civil War? What changes did the English Civil War bring about to the way in which the country was ruled? How useful is this source in telling us about the Battle of Hastings?
What can you infer from the source about child labour Year 8 Revision Industrial Revolution What were conditions like within the factories for child workers? What were the advantages and disadvantages of industrialisation? What was the significance of the Match Girls? Medieval Peasants Describe the life of a medieval peasant. What were the causes of the Peasants Revolt? KEY WORDS Reformation Indulgences Catholic Protestant Feudal System Black Death Wat Tyler Renaissance Plantations Windrush Arkwright Match Girls Enoch Powell Changing Beliefs and Ideas How did the Reformation affect England? Describe the impact of the Renaissance on culture and society. What do Hogarth’s Gin Lane and Beer Alley tell us about life in the 1700s? Female Leaders Who was Emeline Pankhurst? Who was Rosa Parks? Who was Joan of Arc? What can you infer from the source about child labour Racism Describe the key features of the Triangular Trade. Were the Victorians racist? How did the Second World War impact upon immigration? How useful is this source in telling us about Industrialisation
Year 9 Revision KEY WORDS Crusades What were the causes of the Crusades? How have Richard and Saladin been interpreted? What were the consequences of the Crusades? First World War What were the causes of the First World War? Describe trench warfare. KEY WORDS Lionheart Pope Redemption Missionaries Rhodes Opium Indian Mutiny Nuremberg Laws Final Solution Alliances Militarism Imperialism Diktat Communism Appeasement Interwar Years What was the impact of the Treaty if Versailles on Germany? Describe the impact of the First World War on the world. What were the causes of the Second World War? The British Empire Describe the ways in which Britain gained an Empire? How important was religion in the acquisition of the Empire? What were the consequences of the British Empire? What can you infer from the source about the impact of the Treaty of Versailles? The Holocaust Describe the anti-semitism that existed in pre-war Germany. What were the causes of the Final Solution? How useful is this source in telling us about the impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany?