The Fourth ASEAN Workshop on HPAI Control and Eradication


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Presentation transcript:

The Fourth ASEAN Workshop on HPAI Control and Eradication Comments and expectations session Comments (with copyright) / Commentaires (soumis au Copyright) : Teruhide Fujita, OIE Regional Representative for Asia and the Pacific

Contents HPAI Situation Major activities of OIE Asia-Pacific in conjunction with HPAI Control and Eradication GF-TADs in Regional functions New OIE/JTF Project to control HPAI in Asia (2008-2012) Summary (comments, inputs and expectations)

HPAI situation and control (1) Still occurrences of HPAI in the world and in Asia even in 2007-2008 Endemic situation in some countries in Southeast Asia Disease control at source as most important measures for HPAI control and eradication Effective implementation of HPAI control in Southeast Asia under ASEAN Task Forces, and the new control framework of HPAI control in ASEAN for 2008-2010

HPAI situation and control (2) Importance of HPAI Control at Source (poultry) to reduce risks and for eradication of the disease, and establish control mechanisms for that purpose Regional collaboration by Member Countries, OIE, FAO and Regional organizations such as ASEAN Effective use of the existing mechanisms such as Regional GF-TADs mechanism to further facilitate actions for disease control

Major Activities of OIE Regional Representation for Asia and Pacific in Relation to HPAI Control Major activities in 2007 Work plan for 2008~

Major functions of OIE Asia-Pacific Capacity building of Veterinary Services (including Laboratory diagnosis, etc.) for Animal Health Working for Members in the Region with partners Regional collaboration and alliance for animal health

Major programmes of OIE Asia-Pacific Animal Health Information Systems Communication for animal health Prevention and control of Emerging Diseases Application of International Standards for Animal Health; e.g. OIE Standards and WTO-SPS Agreement including Risk Analysis Harmonization of Veterinary Drugs Prevention and control of Aquatic Animal Diseases Prion diseases; BSE/TSEs Transboundary Animal Diseases including GF-TADs Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)

Improvement of Information Systems Animal Health Information Systems Improvement of Information Systems Transparent and timely Information as the base of disease control In 2007, Workshop on Animal Health Information Systems (WAHIS) New Delhi, India, September 2007 – training for animal health information systems *Bangladesh, Bhutan, PR China, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka *Completed workshops on WAHIS in ASEAN, SPC and SAARC + China & Mongolia

Improvement of Information Systems and Publications Animal Health Information Systems Improvement of Information Systems and Publications Development of Animal Health Information Regional Core (Soft ware development) Development of OIE Tokyo Web-site Publications: Regional Epidemiology Yearbook (2006) Quarterly Epidemiology Reports (2006-2007) Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Reports (2006-2007) Monthly Reports on FMD in South East Asia (2006-2007)

Risk Analysis and Disease Surveillance using HPAI as a model Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 2007 (jointly organized by FAO and OIE) -Participation from 18 countries in Asia and the Pacific, and OIE/FAO-APHCA -Discussions on key design elements and epidemiological concepts of surveillance -Measures against HPAI; (a) HPAI free countries without vaccination, (b) those using vaccines, (c) Previously HPAI infected countries, (d) free countries with vaccination, and (e) infected countries using vaccination

Standardization of Veterinary Drugs OIE Regional Workshops on International/Regional Harmonization of Veterinary Medicinal Products Bogor, Indonesia, November 2006 (in collaboration with VICH) To exchange experiences of Veterinary Drugs (VDs) registration, improve quality assurance and regional networks Capacity building for control, registration and assay of VDs and International cooperation Discussions on introduction on activities of VICH to promote international harmonization of VDs registration Packchong, Thailand, January 2008 Veterinary vaccines which OIE International Standards are not applied but of regional Importance for disease control Regional Standards

Hands-on Training for Laboratory Staff Members OIE/NIAH-Thailand Regional Hands-on Training Workshop on Laboratory Diagnosis (Sequencing, HPAI) in Bangkok, Thailand, March 2007 On-the-Job Training in Thailand: HPAI diagnosis and surveillance for Laboratory Staff Members from Laos and Myanmar for 6 months in 2007 (Thai cooperation at NIAH and Regional Veterinary Research and Development Centres) OIE/NIAH-Japan/FAO-APHCA Hands-on Training Workshop on BSE and other Prion Diseases, in Tsukuba, Japan, January 2007

Animal Identification and Traceability Transboundary Animal Diseases Animal Identification and Traceability Regional Workshop, Sri Lanka, July 2007 (jointly organized by FAO) 18 countries + OIE, FAO-APHCA and ICAR Country reports from India, PR China, Malaysia and Thailand Recommendations include (a) policy development, (b) creation of the appropriate legal framework, (c) identification and engagement of stakeholders, (d) development of national data bases of establishments and/or epidemiological units, (e) appropriate means of identification and movement recording and its databases, (f) this programme to be included in agendas of SAARC and ASEAN, etc.

Transboundary Animal Diseases GF-TADs 2nd GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2007 To develop and monitor the work plan of relevant organizations under the GF-TADs Targeted Diseases: HPAI, FMD, CSF (ASEAN and SPC) and HPAI, FMD, PPR (SAARC) RSUs to organize their meetings in collaboration with OIE, FAO, Regional organizations and neighboring countries to develop short-, mid- and long term strategies for the prevention and control of TADs ASEAN+3 (Japan, RO Korea and PR China) and SPC+2 (Australia and New Zealand)

Workshops on Epidemiology Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Workshops on Epidemiology Regional Workshops on Epidemiology Training workshop on Epidemiology (HPAI, other TADs) in collaboration with CIRAD, in Bangkok, Thailand, August 2006 National Workshops on Epidemiology in collaboration with CIRAD Vietnam (Hanoi), November 2006 Philippines (Manila), January 2007 Indonesia (Jakarta), February 2007 Myanmar (Yangon), April 2007 Thailand + Laos (Bangkok), June 2007

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) OIE/JSTF HPAI Project at Source in Southeast Asia (April 2006-March 2008) 4 Components: Development of HPAI Control Strategies Development of HPAI Information Systems (Link with WAHIS and OIE Regional Core) Capacity building on Diagnosis and Surveillance with provision of Laboratory equipment and Materials Training Field Veterinarians and Para-professionals

HPAI Regional Meetings/Workshops (1) Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) HPAI Regional Meetings/Workshops (1) ASEAN Regional Workshop on HPAI Control and Eradication jointly organized by OIE, FAO, ADB, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2007 ASEAN Regional Workshop on HPAI Control and Eradication jointly organized by ADB, FAO, OIE, Manila, Philippines, August 2007 + Brain Storming Meeting for 2008-2010 <Reports endorsed by AMAF> 4. OIE HPAI Regional Workshop, back to back with OIE Regional Conference, Queenstown, New Zealand, November 2007

HPAI Regional Meetings/Workshops (2) Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) HPAI Regional Meetings/Workshops (2) OIE/FAO Regional Workshop on Trainers’ Training on HPAI Surveillance for Field Veterinarians and Para-Professionals, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2007 OIE National Trainers’ Training Course on HPAI Surveillance for Field Veterinarians and Para-Professionals, in collaboration with FAO Yangon, Myanmar, September 2007 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, October 2007 Vientiane, Laos, October 2007 Hanoi, Vietnam, October 2007 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, October 2007 Jakarta, Indonesia, October 2007

OIE Asia-Pacific WORK PLAN for 2008 in conjunction with HPAI Control

Regional GF-TADs Sub-Regional Meetings including HPAI, jointly to be organized with FAO, in 2008 -ASEAN (Jakarta) -SAARC  (Nepal) -SPC (Fiji) 3rd GF-TADs Regional Steering Committee Meeting jointly organized with FAO, late 2008 (Pipeline)

New OIE/JTF HPAI Project in Asia <1> (Pipeline) Contribution by the Government of Japan to OIE 2008-2012 (5 year programme) Strengthening notification systems on HPAI; regular meetings to exchange information about HPAI in Asian countries Strengthening/ Upgrading of Capacity of Veterinary Authorities in Asia: for regional AI Control Evaluation of Veterinary Services and control measures to foster improvement for disease control Training officials for improvement of legislation and legal framework for control measures Improvement of diagnostic technologies by providing training to the laboratory diagnosticians in Asian countries

New OIE/JTF HPAI Project in Asia <2> (Pipeline) Surveillance with comprehensive systems including investigation of flying routes of migratory birds and to predict possible occurrence of HPAI Establish a data-base of characteristics of AI viruses, to be commonly used by Asian countries for early analysis of such AI viruses of Asian countries and to use for facilitation of control measures in neighboring countries

New OIE/JSTF HPAI Project In Asia <3> April 2008 – March 2009 Capacity building on laboratory diagnosis with procurement/provision of laboratory equipment and materials Similar systems extended to Southeast Asian Countries

Summary (1) Importance of focus on HPAI control at Source (poultry) to reduce risks of the disease and its eradication, and establishment of control mechanisms for that purpose OIE collaboration on Capacity building (information systems, control strategies, legislation, emergency preparedness, laboratory diagnosis, surveillance, etc.) Investigation of infection routes of HPAI by wild birds to facilitate control measures of the disease in poultry Establishment of HPAI data base for characteristics of AI viruses

Summary (2) Existing mechanism of Regional GF-TADs for control of HPAI OIE Collaboration with ASEAN Member Countries + ASEAN Secretariat OIE Collaboration with other partners including FAO and ADB, International/ Regional/ National Organisations and Donors

Thank you for your attention! T. Fujita, OIE Asia-Pacific