Welcome to GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The Login screen of the software is allow the user to login in to software. Based on the user menu level privilege the module are shown for each user logins. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The personnel file or employee record contains the master data of all details pertaining to an employee. Details captured here start from the time an employee joins the organization, and includes personal details, employment contract details like salary, pay grade, joining date, designation, team, division, etc. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
The Module is the calendar view of the employee attendance. GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The Module is the calendar view of the employee attendance. Here by selecting the employee from left pane list you can see the color highlighted days representing various mode such as Present, Absent, Weekly off etc.. Using Calendar navigator you can able to switch to another day or month. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
The Attendance register format-II is looks like excel gird. GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The Attendance register format-II is looks like excel gird. Here present day are highlighted with green colour with symbol 1 and absent or leave are shown as 0. The Same format can be exported to excel for printing of this grid contents. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Attendance Approval is the module for authorize the Work hours and payable hours, OT, Leave and other details. Here from left side pane you can select the employee name which you want authorize. and select the days which you want check. Click on OK button showing the details which is recorded already. For view/edit or Approve the entry you must double click on selected record. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Weekly Off GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software In above showing the entry screen for assign weekly off to the selected employees. Here you can assign weekly off to multiple employees for same day. Paid leave is to be checked if in case of Salary is payable on weekly off days. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Leave and Absent register GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Leave and Absent register This module is used for record leaves of employee. Here paid leave is marked then the employee is benefited for getting salary on selected leave period. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Holiday Register GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Holiday Register is the module to allot holiday's for employees. Here paid leave is marked then the employee is benefited for getting salary on selected holidays too. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Advance Payment GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Under loan and advance management, we manage different type of the loans and advances granted to the employees and ensure deduction as per pre-defined schedule, enabling to manage its employee advances in a better manner. Employee wise Advances paid and terms of loan and interest rate are defined here when making a advance payment entry. The Payment settled section Showing the paid and payable amount and balance instalments. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Salary Processing GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Steps involved in Salary processing. Step 1: Select the pay method from "Salary Statement of" Step 2: Select the date you want to calculate salaries. The employee list showing list of employee assigned to selected category of Pay method. Step 3: Select and Check mark which are the employee to be consider for calculation. Step 4: After Selection of Employee Click on "Process for Selected Employee" Button. Once Completed a message showing "Done" Step 5: Click Employee name to see the calculation details. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
TA and Other Payments GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Module is provide for make any other payment such as TA Bill, Fuel Charges etc. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Payments Register GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The Payment register module is used for capture the multi type payments. The register is designed for accept multi paymode towards single payment. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Attendance Report GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The Attendance report will generate the report to the daywise, employee wise, Detailed datewise, detailed employee wise attendance report. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Salary statement GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Module is provide for the salary statement for monthly, daily, weekly, hourly, periodic, etc., Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Payment Report GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software The sales report will generate the report to the summary wise, sales report detailed, sales report both. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Statement Of Salary Components GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Statement Of Salary Components This module will show the report to the basic salary, transport, housing allowance, annual tax payable, medicals, utility, pension etc., Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
Customized Report GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software Module is generate report to the list of components and tick that list of component and press the generate report button. This report shown will excel sheet. Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com
------------------Thank you--------------------- GWPL Attendance & Payroll Management Software ------------------Thank you--------------------- For Product Demo and More information Contact : Good Worths Partners Limited 3F3 Third Floor, Threshold Business Suite, Plot 976 Obasanjo Way Wuye district, Abuja, Nigeria. info@gwplcorporateservices.com, www.gwplcorporateservices.com Support+234-8183125160, +234-8167518236, 08026807259 Whatsapp : +234-8027063553 Contact Mob:- 234 - 8183894484, 8033351957, 8027063553 NIGERIA website: www.gwplcorporateservices.com Email: info@gwplcorporateservices.com