A. Pujol, MJ. Zamora, A. Obradors, D. Garcia, Comparable reproductive outcomes in open vs closed oocyte vitrification systems: a prospective, paired study on the same genetic background and stimulation protocol A. Pujol, MJ. Zamora, A. Obradors, D. Garcia, A. Rodriguez, R. Vassena
6 MII Rapid-i Recipient 1 Min. 6 MII Cryotop Recipient 2 83 oocyte Materials and Methods 83 oocyte donors Min. 12 MII 6 MII Rapid-i 6 MII Cryotop Recipient 1 Recipient 2
Results Rapid-i vs Cryotop Survival 478 / 510 (93.7%) 454 / 527 (86.1%) p<0.001 Fertilization 279 / 475 (58.7%) 282 / 405 (69.6%) Biochemical pregnancy 36 / 71 (50.7%) 29 / 70 (41.4%) p>0.05 Clinical pregnancy 32 / 71 (45.1%) 27 / 70 (38.6%) Ongoing pregnancy 23 / 70 (32.9%) Live birth 26 / 69 (37.7%) 22 / 69 (31.9%)
Conclusions Both closed and open oocyte vitrification/warming systems offer comparable laboratory and reproductive outcomes up to live birth. Participants of the study were oocyte donors. Care when translating our results to other populations.
Thank you! apujol@cirh.es