Some students don’t do their homework Colleen O’Connor Allen Road Elementary School
PPA Process We will be using the Public Policy Analysis to help us solve this problem What is the problem? Where is the evidence? What are the causes? What is the existing policy? What policies can you create to correct the problem? What is the best policy to correct the problem?
1. Define the problem Reasons why homework is important Why do you think homework is important? Increases learning Teaches responsibility Develops good work habits Teaches time management
2. Evidence of the problem What evidence of this problem have you seen?
3. Causes of the problem Why don’t kids do their homework? I didn’t have time I lost it Teachers don’t care about it It won’t help me in school I didn’t understand it Why don’t kids do their homework?
4. Evaluate Current Policy Everyone should do their homework Advantages? Disadvantages?
5. Develop Solutions Working with your assigned group, what would you do to improve the current policy? Choose a recorder, a reporter and a task master for your group Be ready to share with the class when time is called
6. Select the Best Solution Homework: Using the recording sheet you filled in during our presentations, decide which are your top two solutions Write your reasons in the box next to the solution.