INSPIRE code lists and their extension


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE code lists and their extension Michael Lutz TG Data meeting 12-13 February 2018

Code lists 4 types of INSPIRE code lists according to extensibility Training: INSPIRE Basics - 20/11/2013 Code lists 4 types of INSPIRE code lists according to extensibility not extensible – only values included in IRs are allowed narrower extensible – values included in IRs and narrower values are allowed freely extensible – values included in IRs and any other values are allowed empty – any values are allowed For code lists of types (b), (c) and (d), additional values have to be published in a register TG-DS may include additional proposed values that are published in the INSPIRE code list register

Extensible code lists Code lists are extensible where Training: INSPIRE Basics - 20/11/2013 Extensible code lists Code lists are extensible where no agreed code lists or classifications exist in the domain code lists or classifications in a specific domain are subject to frequent changes (e.g. addition of values) code lists in a specific domain are hierarchical  extensibility gives data providers the possibility to use more specific (national or local) values

Registers JRC is providing central registries for INSPIRE resources Training: INSPIRE Basics - 20/11/2013 Registers JRC is providing central registries for INSPIRE resources registers: code lists, themes, application schemas, glossary, feature concept dictionary browsing and accessing register content Formats: HTML, XML, Atom, JSON and RDF/SKOS Multilingual content (based on IR content) Versioning of register items Re3gistry software available for re-use National registers and extensions can be shared through the INSPIRE register federation resources will be in most cases be maintained in ISO 19135 conformant registers EC will provide the registries for INSPIRE XML representation of ‘code lists’, ‘code values’ in implantation/completed Prototype version – next quarter Next steps add Feature Concept Dictionary Glossary

Extension types Figure taken from: Best Practices for registers and registries & Technical Guidelines for the INSPIRE register federation, Release Candidate 3

Extension types Original Extension Subset 1:1 Reuse RegA RegA/A RegA/B RegA/C RegA/D RegAExt RegA/A RegA/B RegA/C RegA/D RegAExt/E RegAExt/F RegASubset RegA/A RegA/B RegAReuse RegA/A RegA/B RegA/C RegA/D

Code lists based on external sources Items with http URI (resolvable) Items with http URI (not resolvable) Items without http URI (e.g. stored in a document like pdf or spreadsheet) http URI – resolvable http URI – non resolvable no http URI Use original URI (and/or harvest information - Label, …) & link to Use original URI (and/or harvest information - Label, …) & no link Harvest information and create new URI

External values – an example

External values – an example

Store registers info and relations The INSPIRE register federation Store registers info and relations Browse & search …

The INSPIRE register federation

The INSPIRE register federation

The INSPIRE register federation

Re3gistry v.1.3: joining the Federation Automatic creation of the Register Federation descriptor formats Easy way of joining the federation

Code list maintenance Submitting organisations (1 per MS, plus EEA, DG ENV and JRC) can make change proposals to central INSPIRE registry or INSPIRE register federation (e.g. new registries to be included) Control body decides about the change proposals (on behalf of the MIG) More information Process: body/wiki Issues: body/issues

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