Sheung Li Task Group J Chairperson July 16, 2004 Task Group J Report Sheung Li Task Group J Chairperson July 16, 2004 Sheung Li, Atheros
July 2004 Actions by TGj Sponsor ballot of D1.5 was approved with a sufficient return rate Prior to meeting, TGj held a duly authorized ad hoc meeting to resolve sponsor ballot comments and provided resolutions in 04-703r0 Sponsor ballot pool and WG members invited to review comment resolutions, and provide feedback at this session. Updated resolutions in 04-703r1 Meeting minutes in 04-843r0 Sheung Li, Atheros
Working Group Motions Motion for sponsor ballot recirculation July 2004 Working Group Motions Motion for sponsor ballot recirculation Motion to authorize ad hoc meeting and comment resolution group Motion for conditional RevCom Submission Motion for subsequent sponsor ballot recirculation and conditional RevCom Submission if necessary Sheung Li, Atheros
Ad Hoc Announcement Reminder July 2004 Ad Hoc Announcement Reminder If approved, an Ad Hoc meeting for the purpose of sponsor recirculation ballot comment resolution will be held on August 13 in San Jose, California area as previously announced on WG reflector with 30 days notice Exact location, time, and dial-in numbers will be announced on the WG reflector Sheung Li, Atheros
Objectives for September 2004 July 2004 Objectives for September 2004 Do nothing If this is not possible, address sponsor recirculation ballot comments for subsequent recirculation and RevCom submission Sheung Li, Atheros