Cold War- A 45 year period of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union United Nations- International peace-keeping organization created after World War II NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) It is an alliance of democratic and western countries including much of Western Europe, Canada, and the United States. Warsaw Pact- was an alliance between the Soviet Union and seven communist countries Iron Curtain- Phrase coined by (created by) Winston Churchill that described the division of Europe into communist East and non-communist West
6. Containment- U.S. foreign policy of limiting communism to the areas in which it already existed 7. Domino Theory- the idea that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect 8.. Truman Doctrine- U.S. policy of providing military support to those areas in danger of falling to communism (mainly Turkey & Greece) 9. . Marshall Plan- U.S. policy of providing financial aid to those areas in danger of falling to communism 10. Soviet Blockade- Means by which the Soviet Union attempted to remove democratic West Berliners from a communist controlled area without violence 11. Berlin Airlift- Allied response to the Soviet blockade of west Berlin; sent supplies with airplanes
12. Communism-A system of government in which the government owns and controls mostly everything. The goal is to form a society where everything is shared equally. 13. Space Race-the competition between nations regarding achievements in the field of space exploration. 14. Mutually Assured Destruction(MAD)- neither side will attack the other with their nuclear weapons because both sides are guaranteed to be totally destroyed in the conflict
15. Cuban Missile Crisis- a 13 day period in which the US and Soviets came the closest to a war involving nuclear weapons. 16. Perestroika- restructuring of the Soviet political and economic systems 17. Glasnost- “openness,” refers to the Soviet policy of open discussion of political and social issues.
Arms Race- a competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons, Flexible Response- U.S. defense strategy in which a wide range of diplomatic, political, economic, and military options are used to deter an enemy attack