Gandhian view point about state State is a soulless machine State is a mean not an end Limited functions of the state State can not claim sovereignty over individual Supporter of the enlightened anarchical state State hinder the development of individual’s personality Non-violent nation state
Characteristics of an Gandhi ji’s ideal state of State is a mean not an end Limited functions of the state Administrative structure of the state Secularism Democratize system Economic and political decentralization Verna system
Crime punishment and justice Emphasis on manual labour Trusteeship System Non-violent state of gandhi
References Aggarwal R.C., Principles of Political Science, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1976. Badyal, J.S, Political Theory, Raj Publishers, 2012, Jalander. Garner James Wildford, Political Science and Government, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1951. Gauba O.P, An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan Publisher, Delhi, 2009. Heywood Andrew, Political Theory An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New Yeork, 2005. Misra K.K & Iyengar Kalpana. M, Modern Political Theory, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1988. Ray Amal, Political Theory Idess and Institutions, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1988 Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.