Wireless Autonomous Trolley ECE 492 - Computer Engineering Design Project Wireless Autonomous Trolley Randy Baron, Phillip Hoang 2017 Overview The Wireless Autonomous Trolley (WAT) is a robot capable of delivering a small payload to a marked location. These locations are identified by colour and commands are sent to the robot by a simple wireless (WiFi) interface over a network that the robot hosts. Order of Operation User gives command on interface WiFi module receives command RC? Execute RC command Yes No Move towards marker Camera takes picture and image is processed No Marker found close? Yes Get next command Components Altera DE0 Nano uCam-II Serial Camera Captures 640x480 JPEG images ESP-8266 WiFi Module Hosts IEEE 802.11 compliant network irs05a Infrared Proximity Sensor Used for collision avoidance LED Push Button External reset button and status light Actobotics Half Pint Runt Rover Chassis Kit Includes four 4.5V 250mA motors TB6612FNG Dual Channel Motor Driver Three DC Voltage Regulators 5V, 4.5V, 3.3V 6 AA Batteries Autonomous Mode Operating in autonomous mode, the WAT can find and navigate towards a coloured marker that the user specifies. The colours that it will search for are specified on the webpage that the WAT provides on its network. RC Mode Operating in RC mode the WAT is fed simple movement instructions directly by the user over the web and it can act as a simple remote control car. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering