Lesson 7 - Lesson objective To understand and identify the barriers that might prevent people making use of services that they need. Success criteria Build – working in groups we will discuss and explore (in your groups) what the barriers might be Apply – Report to whole class examples on things you have experienced, researched (in the community) and may have discussed with family, friends or relatives. You must link this to the local community. Secure - AfL this data will become part of your ongoing theory development and research. Again make a record of who completed each task, put your name next to each piece of research. Be fair and be recognised for your endeavours!
Task 1 Questions What might prevent people from using the services that they need? Think – Share – Pair – Physical barriers Psychological barriers Financial barriers Make a large mind map and list all the possible problems that could prevent people from using the service
Needed Risk Assessment - GB to carry out D&T Task 2 We need to make a visit to several Health Care facilities, Early Learning Provisions (Nursery or Infants) or any Day Centres, Voluntary Centres and Health Care Centres. The information you collect is very important> Make a list of all the following Where will your group like to go? What will you try to find out? How will you record this data? Who will you talk to during your visit? How will you record your information? Think-Pair-Share AfL How will the data you collect help your during the timed controlled assessment? Remember everything you record will improve your overall grade for this part of the coursework.
AfL - The marking criteria You will report back to the whole class, giving examples on things you have seen in the community from the town trail. Your grades will be determined by: The quality of the field study The way you collected the data What methods of data collecting you carried out What sources of primary interviews, discussions you had with people there Finally, how you presented your findings.
Guidance during your field trip - Remember when you carry out a field study you must be: Polite to everyone you talk to Make prior arrangements if you intend to go inside a building Ask for permission to talk to any clients whilst you are there Do not take photographs unless you have asked or the data is sensitive Use your check list