CSC 8570 -- USI Class Meeting 6 October 3, 2007
Outline for Evening One-minute assessment Research project issues Augmenting GUEPs and CDs Button analysis Combine results Report on GUEPs and CDs Course themes reprise Edge and Blackwell Careful reading Major concepts
One Minute Assessment Do not put your name on the paper On one side of the paper, list The two most important concepts that you have learned so far. On the other side of the paper, list The thing (or things) that you are most confused about.
Research Project Issues My question: Suppose your hypothesis says that design A is faster than design B. You gather timing data from a number of subjects (say N=23) You compute the average total task time (summed over a number of tasks) Design A: 13.68 seconds Design B: 15.12 seconds Do the data support your hypothesis? If your results need a statistician, then you should design a better experiment. -- Baron Ernest Rutherford
Research Project Issues Your questions:
Augmenting GUEPs and CDs Our goals: Rephrase GUEPs and CDs, if necessary Develop examples of interface items described by GUEPs and CDs Relate the approaches embodied in GUEPs and CDs See the handout for a summary of GUEPs and CDs
Button Exercise Form button teams for buttons 1 through 7 To enhance understanding of CDs and GUEPs Form button teams for buttons 1 through 7 Combine results getting Syntax description Semantics description Relevant CDs and GUEPs Report results
Themes Models, theories, frameworks Form a foundation for understanding What users want (What do they want?) Which is interpreted by the Design principle hierarchy GUEPs General design principles Implementable design guidelines
Themes (2) Users are directed in their approach to a system by Mental models And The cognitive dimensions of understanding (which describes ways of thinking).
Themes (3) We have devised a path from abstraction to implementation Cognitive dimensions GUEPs Design principles Task analysis
Tangible User Interfaces What are they? Definition Examples
TUI (2) What is the power of a WIMP interface? Is the analysis (done by Edge and Green) of its actions correct?
TUI (3) What is the power of a TUI? What does “power” mean in this context?
TUI (4) Top level concepts Physical layer; physical tokens Aligning tokens; lines of tokens Stacking tokens Virtual layer Synchronization with physical layer Feedback: visual, auditory, tactile Abstraction of time Virtual – Physical Level Degree of embodiment Degree of synchronization Degree of coherence
Manipulable solid diagrams Tokens; token aggregation Object order Continuous values Token association Superior to WIMP uses DM more effectively uses D of F with hands more efficiently
Example What do you want from a mapping system? Does this match with what the system provides? Explore Mapquest Google Maps Yahoo Maps Microsoft Streets and Trips Tasks include: Find {route, distance, time} from A to B Find communities {near to, surrounding} A Find the set of things (e.g. restaurants, hotels, parks) close to A Find the end of US 30
Next Time Continue work on research project, completing experimental material and IRB form. IRB form due Monday, October 8. Submit as email attachment. Read Claburn, Waiting for Google’s gPhone. Match his opinions against our list of user desires Compare his ideas with GUEPs and CDs Choose the components that we should build first.
Research Team Meetings