Welcome to Year 2
Primary school focus Reading Numeracy Student engagement Thinking skills Student engagement Primary school focus Reading P-6 Numeracy: Computational thinking and problem solving Thinking Skills Student Engagement
Student Success Feedback Reading Learning Progressions Student 2 weeks, term 1, end of year Learning Progressions Differentiation Feedback Writing Student Engagement Reading Critical Thinking Numeracy Sage-Fox.com Free PowerPoint Templates
Critical thinking We incorporate critical thinking into all curriculum areas. In essence, this requires our students to be an active learner, rather than a passive recipient of information. They need to use their ability to reason, question and justify. They will learn what cognitive verbs are and use this to understand what we are asking them to do Examples: Problems Balloon cars Comparing I have packed my bag for a holiday. Inside it I have a towel, flashlight and raincoat packed. Where might I be going? Why do you think that?
The purpose of giving students feedback in the learning process is to improve their capabilities. This is done in many ways. * Learning Progressions * Giving assessment back * Student conferences * Buddy feedback * Groups * Self reflection * On the spot Click on the home button to take you back to the student success slide then click on the next book
Differentiation: Is the process, where we as a school, accommodate the differences between learners so that all Year 2 students have the best possible chance of learning. We look at Students Readiness to learn Learning needs Abilities and knowledge Interest From this we put students into groups both mixed and like ability, gather resources, adjust tasks and lessons, set the needed pace, have individual learning goals and put support program in place.
Learning progressions
We will explore a range of literacy texts where characters bust stereotypes where they go beyond the literal to make inferences about their feelings, motivations and actions. Students will be learning how to write reports on Animals so look forward to hearing heaps of interesting facts. Next semester we travel around Australia writing persuasive texts on holiday destinations. The year will end with a book study on Roald Dahl a classic children's author. Exposure to a variety of text types. Sentence structure with correct use of punctuation. Grammar: nouns/participants, adjectives and verbs/processes. Spelling: strategies to learn words, the automation of core words Camera words, specific spelling rules/patterns, Unit/Term words Phonics: letter/sound & THRASS Handwriting
Reading Reading groups are conducted each week with a focus on: - Reading strategies Comprehension Reading is incorporated in our day in a variety of ways including… Guided reading Modelled and shared reading Independent reading Reading stamina It is not restricted to the subject of English, but is utilised in all areas of the curriculum.
1. Problem solving – applying the students knowledge 2 main focus areas: 1. Problem solving – applying the students knowledge 2. Computational Fluency – Working towards instant recall of Facts Begins with Warm-up and then focussed activities Based on year level knowledge, children’s ability and focus teaching. Includes problem solving and investigations. Can be whole class, mixed ability or ability based groups. Focus around mental strategies where students are explicitly taught through the a consistent approach of explicitly practical activities and learning talk.
Student engagement We promote positive student engagement across the college with: Engaging units The teaching of social skills (Circle time) Developing and teaching our rules, core values and school expectations Star of the week awards Star passes and term celebration when reaching target Weekly behaviour lessons (whole of primary on Mondays) Star trek Individual class engagement programs Deputy principal awards (semester)
Parent Support Teaching is a partnership between home and school. History incursion Helpers – 21st February Homework - term homework sheet Parent helpers in the classroom Excursion helpers Term newsletter Please see your classroom teacher if there is something you are unsure of or need further clarification about. We are more than happy to assist. Our emails are on the Year 2 newsletter or our door is always open.
Parent Support - Media New permission forms – are your child’s permission forms up to date? What we use photos for: Facebook Class photos and videos If you need a form we have some here for you to fill out now. If you are not sure if it is the updated media form then please see your child’s teacher and they can let you know
21st Feb History Incursion 21st March Community Day ‘Bullying No Way’ Week 9 Parent Teacher interviews. 19th March Parent Teacher interviews start Week 7/8 Swimming 27th March Colour Run 29th March Free Dress 5th April Last day Term 1
HOMEWORK Year 2 expectations – Reading 10-15mins per night with comprehension questions - Grid style homework sheet that lasts the whole term