Causes of World War I Word Wall
Neutrality A political position of non-interference in the affairs of a foreign country.
Isolationism When a nation does not get involved in any way.
Militarism The belief that a nation should maintain a powerful military and use it as means to protect or promote national interests.
Alliance When two or more nations make agreements for mutual benefit.
Central Powers The nations that are blamed for the start of the war. They include Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
Sinking of the Lusitania A British passenger liner that was sunk by a German Submarine killing many civilians including Americans.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare The tacit of targeting by military and civilian ships. Used by the German navy.
Woodrow Wilson 28th President. Led the US through WWI.
Zimmermann Telegram A secret message sent to Mexico by Germany in attempt to get Mexico to go to war against the United States.